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  • Publication
    A modified continuous suturing technique for amniotic membrane fixation after chemical corneal injury: An octagonal graft
    (Galenos Publ House, 2022-10-01) Baykara, Mehmet; BAYKARA, MEHMET; Sarı, Esin Söğütlü; SÖĞÜTLÜ SARI, ESİN; Yurttaş, Ceren; YURTTAŞ, CEREN; Kırıştıoğlu, Mehmet Ömer; KIRIŞTIOĞLU, MEHMET ÖMER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Oftalmoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Anestezi ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-5555-1649; JBU-3309-2023
    This case report aims to describe a modified continuous suturing technique for firm fixation of a human amniotic membrane graft in a patient with persistent epithelial defect (PED) after a chemical eye injury. As a result of this technique, the amniotic membrane (AM) was firmly fixed to the corneal surface with eight continuous and locked episcleral sutures that resembled an octagon graft. This technique was performed in a 14-year-old patient with PED after a chemical corneal burn. Three weeks after the surgery, the PED was completely healed. This simple continuous suturing technique can allow firm and stable fixation of AM grafts on the ocular surface in cases of PED after chemical burn. It may prevent early loss of the graft and facilitate corneal epithelial wound healing.