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  • Publication
    The possibility of exclusion of nato from the european security and defence system: A legal view
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2006-03-01) Reçber, Kamuran; REÇBER, KAMURAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi/Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü; DOI-4239-2022
    Since its foundation, NATO has been playing a significant role in European security and defence system. Nevertheless, some West European States (especially France) strive to establish a security and defence system which is independent from NATO and solely particular to Europe. These efforts are carrying out especially in the context of EU. But when EU Foundation Treaty's regulations concerning the themes of foreign policy, security and defence are taken into account, it's hardly to say that there is a full compromise among the Member States of EU. As a matter of fact, some EU Member States aim to protect their special positions in the related regulations of the EU Foundation Treaty and in the Protocols or Declarations adopted additionally to the Treaty. In this context, some West European States called as the supporters of NATO, consider that exclusion of NATO from the European security and defence system, isn't favourable for their interests. In this study, by taking into account these views, NATO's role assumed in the European security and defence system, and the subject of whether this role will be carried out or not in the future will be examined especially by regarding EU Foundation Treaty's relevant regulations.