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  • Publication
    Validity of jurisdiction agreements under brussel I bis regulation
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2017-01-01) Özgenç, Zeynep; ÖZGENÇ, ZEYNEP; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Hukuk Fakültesi/Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Anabilim Dalı Öğretmenliği; FTH-7474-2022
    Brussels I bis Regulation (EU) no 1215/2012, entered into force in January 2015, made significant significant amendments in order to improve the efficacy of jurisdiction agreements on Brussels I Regulation. With this amendments, it is aimed to harmonise with La Haye Convention on Choice of Court Agreement. For that purpose, residence clause of parties has been removed for implementing of article 25 of the Brussel I bis Regulation. Beside, this article regulates that court or courts shall have jurisdiction, unless jurisdiction agreements are null and void as to its substantive validity under the law of that Member State including choice of law rules thereof. Hereby, the object of this article is to examine the validity of jurisdiction agreements in accordance with the Court of Justice of The European Union, within the scope of The Recast Brussels I Regulation.