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  • Publication
    The frequency of asymptomatic urinary system abnormalities in children detected with cineurography imaging during angiocardiography
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2019-02-01) Oral, Orçun; Toprak, Muhammet Hamza Hata; Uysal, Fahrettin; Bostan, Özlem Mehtap; Çil, Ergün; Toprak, Muhammet Hamza Hata; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; ÇİL, ERGÜN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi; 0000-0001-7707-2174; 0000-0003-3516-0082; AAG-9324-2021; AAH-4421-2021; AAG-8558-2021; AAH-3865-2021; ECM-4447-2022
    Introduction: Diagnostic and interventional catheter angiography of the heart is frequently used in paediatric cardiology. It is also possible to detect urinary system anomalies with cineurography images that may be obtained during angiocardiography. In this study, the aim was to determine the frequency, distribution, and properties of urinary system anomalies accompanying heart diseases, and to find out the effectiveness of cineurographic images in detecting the urinary system anomalies. Methods: The cineurographic images of 2022 children who had undergone angiocardiography between 1995 and 2015 were retrospectively examined. Results: Urinary system anomalies were detected in 261 of the 2022 cases (12.9%). Of these 261 cases, 148 were males (56.7%), whereas 113 were females (43.3%). Among the heart diseases, the group most accompanied by urinary system anomalies was the non-cyanotic left-to-right shunted heart diseases, which was detected in 120 (39.1%) patients. Pelvicalyceal ectasia was the most common urinary system anomaly encountered and was detected in 89 patients (34.1%). Of the urinary system anomalies cases, 94 detected by cineurography were determined to be clinically severe. When the effectiveness of the cineurography was evaluated using the ultrasonography records of the patients, it was found to have 63.8% accuracy. Conclusion: Many of the patients with CHDs concomitantly have urinary system anomalies. It is possible to determine asymptomatic urinary system anomalies using cineurographic imaging during angiocardiography. This may lead to earlier treatments and improved prognosis for the patients, thus making it possible to prevent potential future problems.
  • Publication
    The role of external loop recorders in arrhythmia-related symptoms in children: A single center experience
    (Springer, 2021-08-13) Akça, Tuğberk; Uysal, Fahrettin; Bostan, Özlem Mehtap; Genç, Abdusselam; Türkmen, Hasan; AKÇA, TUĞBERK; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; GENÇ, ABDÜSSELAM; TÜRKMEN, HASAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Kardiyoloji Bölümü; 0000-0001-7707-2174; 0000-0002-2747-974X; AEX-4557-2022; AAH-4421-2021; AAG-8558-2021; CQK-7120-2022; JKC-8556-2023
    In this study, we report our experience with the use of external loop recorders (ELRs), in terms of diagnostic efficiency according to symptoms and symptom-rhythm correlation in pediatric patients. We evaluated ELRs applied to 178 patients between April 2017 and November 2020 at our center. The mean age of 172 patients included in the study was 13.6 +/- 3.8 years, and 69.8% were female. ELR indications were palpitations in 98 (56.9%) cases, chest pain and palpitations in 43 (25%) cases, presyncope/syncope in 28 (16.2%) cases, and pacemaker/ implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) problems in 3 (0.2%) cases. ELR recording times were 14.2 +/- 9.7 days on average, ranging from 2 to 67 days. While the symptom-rhythm correlation was 29.1% in total, when the indications were evaluated one by one, this correlation was found to be 30.2% in palpitations, 34.7% in chest pain and palpitations, and 10.7% in presyncope/syncope. The total diagnostic efficiency was 68.1%. In the follow-up of ELR cases, a total of 139 (80.8%) patients received clinical follow-up without medication, 15 (8.8%) patients received medical treatment, and 18 (10.4%) patients underwent EPS. The cardiac ELR system is useful in detecting underlying arrhythmias. Demonstrating sinus tachycardia at the time of the symptom may be seen as negative finding, but while experiencing symptoms, it is diagnostically valuable and may help avoid further investigation with costly and invasive diagnostic procedures. For diagnostic efficiency and cost effectiveness, the optimal recording time is 2 weeks, but it should be extended to 4 weeks in cases such as of presyncope/syncope that cannot be explained with a 2-week ELR use.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of clinical features and prognosis in children with supraventricular tachycardia
    (Galenos Yayıncılık, 2023-12-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Özbek, Alper Tunga; Genç, Abduesselam; Çil, Erguen; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; Genç, Abduesselam; Çil, Erguen
    Introduction: This study aims to investigate the clinical characteristics of pediatric patients diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and assess their shortterm prognosis. Materials and Methods: Data from 213 patients diagnosed with SVT between 2010 and 2015 at the Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Bursa Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, were retrospectively reviewed. Results: The ratio of male to female patients was 1: 1.25. Regarding treatment response and prognosis, the recurrence rate of SVT attacks was higher in males. The most common complaint at the time of diagnosis was palpitation. Furthermore, 17.8% of patients were diagnosed due to tachycardia detected during routine check-ups; almost all were under one year of age. In 56.3% of patients, the initial diagnosis was made at the pediatric emergency clinic. In acute treatment, 30% of patients were treated with vagal maneuvers; 61% had their attacks terminated, while 41% received drug therapy. Adenosine was the most used drug, and it successfully terminated attacks in 79% of patients receiving it. In the evaluation of patients' follow-ups after the initial attack, 56.3% of patients experienced recurrences, and 71% of second attacks occurred within the first three months. Prophylactic drug therapy was initiated in 94.4% of patients, with an average duration of 2.5 +/- 1.6 years. After treatment discontinuation, 75.4% of patients remained symptom-free, while 24.6% experienced SVT attacks again. Electrophysiological studies were performed in 16.9% of patients at another centers, and ablation was applied to 15.5%. Conclusion: Patients with SVT may be asymptomatic during infancy and vagal stimulation and adenosine response was quite good in acute treatment. Prophylactic medical treatment was effective in children whose weight is <15 kg and the recurrences were low after discontinuation especially in infants.
  • Publication
    Congenital nephrotic syndrome of NPHS1 associated with cardiac malformation
    (Wiley, 2015-02-01) Uysal, Berfin; Dönmez, Osman; Uysal, Fahrettin; Akacı, Okan; Vuruşkan, Berna Aytaç; Berdeli, Afig; Uysal, Berfin; DÖNMEZ, OSMAN; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; Akacı, Okan; AYTAÇ VURUŞKAN, BERNA; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Pediatrik Nefroloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2148-1160; 0000-0002-4791-8367; AAH-4421-2021; AFO-2965-2022; AAH-9746-2021; GRJ-8581-2022; AAA-8778-2021
    Congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) is a rare disease inherited as an autosomally recessive trait and defined as proteinuria manifesting at birth or in the first 3 months of life. The classical form is the Finnish type of CNS (CNF), which is caused by mutations in the nephrin gene (NPHS1). The classical findings include prematurity, large placenta and massive proteinuria. Minor cardiac findings have been reported as a minor functional disorder but CNS with major cardiac malformation is rare. Here we report the case of a Turkish child with CNS with small indel mutation (c.614_621delCACCCCGGinsTT) in exon 6 of NPHS1 and also major cardiac malformation who did not develop end-stage renal disease until the age of 5 years.
  • Publication
    Complete atrioventricular block as a complication of varicella infection in a child: Recovery with a single dose of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy
    (Sage Publications, 2016-06-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Bostan, Özlem Mehtap; Çetin, Benhur; Uysal, Berfin; Güney, Begüm; Çil, Ergün; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; Çetin, Benhur; Güney, Begüm; ÇİL, ERGÜN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0001-7707-2174; 0000-0002-8470-4907; 0000-0003-3516-0082; AAH-3865-2021; AAG-8558-2021; AAG-9324-2021; AAH-4421-2021; H-2691-2017
  • Publication
    A rare anomaly: Recurrent congenital aorto-azygos fistula after two procedure of transcatheter occlusion
    (Springer, 2015-10-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Bostan, Özlem Mehtap; Çil, Ergün; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; ÇİL, ERGÜN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı; 0000-0001-7707-2174; 0000-0003-3516-0082; AAH-3865-2021; AAH-4421-2021; AAG-9324-2021; AAG-8558-2021
  • Publication
    A novel technique of pulmonary artery banding by means of radiofrequency ablation: An experimental study in rabbits
    (Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık, 2022-07-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Akça, Tuğberk; Genç, Abdüsselam; Küpeli, Zehra Avcı; Özfırat, Erencan; Canatan, Uygur; Uysal, Berfin; Sığnak, Işık Şenkaya; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; AKÇA, TUĞBERK; GENÇ, ABDÜSSELAM; KÜPELİ, ZEHRA AVCI; ÖZFIRAT, ERENCAN; CANATAN, UYGUR; ŞENKAYA SIĞNAK, IŞIK; 0000-0002-2747-974X; AAH-4421-2021; AEX-4557-2022; CQK-7120-2022; FHA-3247-2022; JHY-2022-2023; CJU-7194-2022; GPN-0680-2022
    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a novel method of narrowing pulmonary arteries with catheter angiography using radiofrequency energy in rabbits. Methods: A total of nine New Zealand white rabbits weighing 3.0 to 4.2 kg each were utilized in this experimental study. After the location of pulmonary artery was confirmed by echocardiography and angiography, radiofrequency energy was applied by starting with 5 W energy for the first time and increasing by 5 W, if there was no rupture to a maximum of 20 W. Multiple applications of radiofrequency energy with different durations were performed at different levels of the pulmonary artery. Eight weeks later, surviving rabbits were sacrificed. The pulmonary arteries were removed for histological investigation. Results: Five rabbits remained alive after the experiment. There was a significant correlation between radiofrequency power and the degree of vessel thickness change in the pulmonary artery. The endothelial integrity of the tunica intima was impaired in all groups and the diameter of vessel was thickened by an average of 3.5 times. Conclusion: The narrowing of the pulmonary artery using radiofrequency energy was successfully performed in a small sample size of experimental animals in this study.
  • Publication
    Ventricular extrasystole in children: Single-center experience
    (Aves, 2023-07-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Özalp, Şule; Genç, Abduesselam; Akca, Tugberk; Türkmen, Hasan; Bostan, Özlem M.; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; Özalp, Şule; Genç, Abduesselam; TÜRKMEN, HASAN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; AAH-4421-2021; JAQ-0729-2023; JAV-5863-2023; EBR-6819-2022; JAT-4036-2023
    Objective: Ventricular extrasystole is one of the most common rhythm disorders in children, and almost all of them are characterized by normal cardiac functions without structural cardiac abnormalities. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical course of ventricular extrasystole in children who did not have cardiac structural abnormalities.Materials and Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 24-hour rhythm Holter recordings performed in our clinic in children. Patients diagnosed with isolated ventricular extrasystole in Holter records and without structural heart disease on echocardiography were included in the evaluation.Results: A total of 20 160 Holter results were evaluated in the study, and 226 patients (male; 66%) met the criteria. The mean follow-up time was 8.7 & PLUSMN; 3.2 years. While 81.8% of the patients were asymptomatic, the most common symptom was palpitation and 5 patients had syncope. Of the patients, 72 (31.8%) received medical therapy. Beta-blockers were the most often prescribed medication. Cardiomyopathy did not develop in any of the patients during the followup period. A partial reduction in the frequency of ventricular extrasystole was observed in 42% of the patients, while complete recovery was observed in 22%.Conclusion: Ventricular extrasystole in children generally has a good prognosis; most of them are asymptomatic, and the rates of spontaneous regression over time are quite high, regardless of the origin.
  • Publication
    Cardiac involvement in costello syndrome: Evaluation of six cases
    (Galenos Yayıncılık, 2013-08-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Bostan, Özlem Mehtap; Semizel, Evren; Akaltun, Filiz; Üner, Gülcan; Çil, Ergün; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; BOSTAN, ÖZLEM MEHTAP; Akaltun, Filiz; Üner, Gülcan; ÇİL, ERGÜN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-7707-2174; 0000-0003-3516-0082; CCJ-6951-2022; AAG-8558-2021; AAH-4421-2021; AAG-9324-2021; GHF-4123-2022
    Introduction: Costello syndrome is probably an autosomal dominant inherited disorder that is characterized by postnatal growth retardation, developmental delay, coarse facies, loose skin, nonprogressive cardiomyopathy and friendly behavior. The aim of this study was to evaluate a variety of clinical findings and cardiac involvement of six patients diagnosed as Costello syndrome.Materials and Methods: Six cases that had a typical features of Costello syndrome admitted to pediatric cardiology department due to cardiac murmur between 2002-2013 years were evaluated. Their complaints, clinical findings, treatments and clinical courses were examined.Results: Three of the patients were male and the mean age of patients was 34 +/- 12 months (7 months to 11 years). All of the cases had coarse faces, deep palmar and plantar creases, hypertelorism, epicanthal folds, depressed nasal bridges and cardiac murmur at auscultation. Congenital heart disease was found in all patients. Five patients had pulmonary stenosis and balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty was performed in 3 of these patients. Atrial septal defect was detected in 3 patients and 1 of the patient had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Mental retardation was found in 2 patients.Conclusions: Costello syndrome must be keep in mind in all patients with psychomotor retardation, coarse faces, sparse hairs, deep palmar and plantar creases, phenotypical features resembling a storage disease especially in association with pulmonary stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.