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  • Publication
    Outcomes of elderly burn patients requiring hospitalization
    (Taylor ve Francis, 2015-06-01) Şimşek, Muhammed Eren; Özgenel, G. Yeşim; Kahveci, Ramazan; Akın, Selçuk; Özbek, Serhat; Tufan, Fatih; ÖZGENEL, GÜZİN YEŞİM; KAHVECİ, RAMAZAN; AKIN, SELÇUK; ÖZBEK, SERHAT; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-3245-1618; 0000-0003-1683-0722; 0000-0003-0000-8355; AAH-5064-2021; AAH-5441-2021; AAH-4233-2021; AAG-4626-2019
    Background: The elderly population is more likely to be affected by accidents, such as burns, compared to younger populations because of their diminished host defense. There is limited data about the outcomes of elderly burn patients requiring hospitalization.Methods: In this retrospective study, we assessed the epidemiology and outcomes of burn injuries in elderly patients (>60 years old) admitted to a burn unit of a tertiary medical center based on patient characteristics, type and extent of burns, treatment, hospital stay and mortality rates.Results: Forty-eight elderly burn patients among 870 burn patients during the study period were evaluated. Fire was the most common cause of burns (77.1%). Most of the burns involved more than 20% of total body surface area. Twenty-six (54.2%) patients died during hospitalization. Although burn surface area slightly and non-significantly increased in patients over 75 years, there was a significantly increased mortality rate in these patients. Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed burn area and age as independent associates of mortality.Conclusion: Our data show a high mortality rate in elderly burn patients. Extensive burns and increased age seem to increase the mortality risk.
  • Publication
    Effects of combination therapy with captopril and angiotensin ii on the viability of random-pattern skin flaps in diabetic rat model
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2016-12-01) Atalay, Fatma Öz; ÖZ ATALAY, FATMA; Vuruşkan, Berna Aytaç; AYTAÇ VURUŞKAN, BERNA; Akın, Selçuk; AKIN, SELÇUK; Aygören, Binevs Heja; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-7188-6115; AAH-9746-2021
    Objective: Diabetes mellitus leads to tissue damage by erythrocyte aggregation and an endothelial dysfunction-mediated disturbance in vascularization. These mechanisms facilitate the formation of skin wounds. As skin flaps are often used in the treatment of diabetic wounds, enhancing the blood supply and lowering blood glucose levels have emerged as important factors to increase the success of treatment using skin flaps. Therefore, in this study, the effectiveness of captopril and angiotensin II treatments were investigated to determine if they increased blood flow to skin flaps to protect their viability in an experimental diabetic rat model.Material and Methods: The experiment was conducted using 45 rats. Nine constituted the sham group, whereas diabetes was induced in 36 of them by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Skin flaps (3x8 cm in diameter) were prepared, separated, and consequently reimplanted with staplers to their original place at the dorsum of the rats. Diabetic rats were treated with saline (n=9), angiotensin II (n=9), captopril (n=9), captopril+angiotensin II (n=9) during the postoperative period. Flap viability was assessed by clinical and histopathological findings.Results: The percentage of flap viability in diabetic rats was found to be significantly higher in the captopril+angiotensin II group than in the captopril group and was lowest in the angiotensin II group. Additionally, both individual and combined use of captopril and angiotensin II were found to increase the intensity of blood vessels compared to the administration of saline alone in diabetic rats.Conclusion: Our study showed that the use of captopril and angiotensin II could increase the viability of skin flaps in diabetic rats.
  • Publication
    Clinical and histopathological analysis of 152 pigmented skin lesion excisions apart from melanocytic nevus due to cosmetic reasons
    (Springer, 2015-08-01) Erşen, Burak; Akın, Selçuk; Saki, Mehmet Can; Aksu, İsmail; Tunalı, Orhan; Kalay, Ayşe; Karabulut, Furkan; Çeçen, Süleyman; Köse, Mehmet; Kastamoni, Menekşe; Erşen, Burak; AKIN, SELÇUK; Saki, Mehmet Can; Aksu, İsmail; Tunalı, Orhan; Kalay, Ayşe; Karabulut, Furkan; ÇEÇEN, SÜLEYMAN; Köse, Mehmet; KASTAMONİ, MENEKŞE; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik Estetik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-3003-918X; 0000-0003-1683-0722; 0000-0003-2430-727X; EUI-8874-2022; AAH-5064-2021; FYF-8484-2022; HLD-8732-2023; EEM-7276-2022; CXB-2978-2022; FCR-7958-2022; HIK-0761-2022; GWJ-7397-2022; JMZ-7639-2023
    Background Melanocytic naevus (MN) is a normal, benign proliferation of melanocytes, which may be acquired or congenital, and it is the most common pigmented lesion posing an aesthetic problem for many patients and can be found anywhere on the skin. There are several other types of pigmented skin lesions apart from MN such as seborrhoeic keratosis (SK) which mimics both MN and basal cell carcinoma (BCC).Methods A retrospective study was designed in order to investigate the characteristics of 152 non-MN pigmented skin lesion excisions performed between June 2009 and October 2014. All patients desired their lesions to be removed for only cosmetic reasons. None of our patients described their lesions as 'suspicious'. All patients were evaluated for age and gender in addition to the clinical characteristics of the lesion such as location, size and morphology. Twenty-two different types of pigmented lesion were identified.Results A total of 152 patients underwent surgery. Of the 152 patients, 83 were female (54.6 %) and 69 were male (45.4 %). The average age of our patient group was 51.4 (12-87) years. The average size of the lesions was 1.27 cm(2) (0.01-6 cm 2).Conclusions Seborrhoeic keratosis was the most common lesion type (49.6 %), followed by dermatofibroma, haemangioma, fibroepithelial polyp and BCC. These five lesions in total constituted 79.4 % of all lesions. It was also observed that approximately 19 % of all excised lesions were malignant, pre-malignant or a feature of a systemic disease. The main complaint for all of our patients was cosmetic disturbance. None of the lesions were symptomatic, and none of the patients considered their lesions as 'suspicious'.
  • Publication
    Clinical and histopathological analysis of 790 naevi excised from 509 patients due to cosmetic reasons
    (Springer, 2015-04-01) Erşen, Burak; Akın, Selçuk; Şahin, Ayşe; Saki, Mehmet Can; Aksu, İsmail; Tunalı, Orhan; Karabulut, Furkan; Çeçen, Süleyman; Erşen, Burak; AKIN, SELÇUK; Şahin, Ayşe; Saki, Mehmet Can; Aksu, İsmail; Tunalı, Orhan; Karabulut, Furkan; ÇEÇEN, SÜLEYMAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik Estetik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-1683-0722; 0000-0003-2430-727X; EUI-8874-2022; AAH-5064-2021; KXN-2477-2024; FYF-8484-2022; HLD-8732-2023; EEM-7276-2022; FCR-7958-2022; HIK-0761-2022
    Background The risk of malignant transformation is the most important reason for melanocytic naevi excision whereas the most common reason for excision is cosmetic disturbance.Methods Our study was conducted in a retrospective design from June 2009 to October 2013 involving 790 naevi excisions from 509 patients (332 male, 177 female) due to cosmetic disturbance. Each patient was evaluated for age and gender in addition to the clinical characteristics of the lesions such as location, size, depth and morphology. Results The average age of our patient group was 36.4 (18-68). Of the 509 patients, 332 were female (65.2 %) and 177 were male (34.7%). Intradermal naevus was the most common type. Of all patients, 93.3% had intradermal, dysplastic or compound naevi. Of all lesions, 93.9 % were intradermal, dysplastic or compound naevi. Buccal region was the most common excision site in the face with 112 excisions. Female gender was dominant in all naevi types except for dysplastic naevi and junctional naevi. Male gender was dominant in these groups.Conclusions Gender and age in addition to the clinical characteristics of the lesion such as location, size, depth and morphology were analysed for each patient. To our knowledge, our study has the largest naevi excision number performed for only cosmetic reasons. Even though there was no malignant melanoma identified, high rate of dysplastic naevi was an important data due to its malignancy risk.
  • Publication
    A retrospective epidemiological study of 385 burn patients hospitalized during 6 years in bursa
    (Springer, 2005-09-01) Özbek, Serhat; KAHVECİ, RAMAZAN; ÖZGENEL, GÜZİN YEŞİM; ÖZBEK, SERHAT; Özcan, Mesut; AKIN, SELÇUK; Akın, Selçuk; ERCAN, İLKER; Ercan, İlker; Karaca, Kemal; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik ve Rekonstruktif Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2382-290X; AAG-4626-2019; AAH-5064-2021; AAH-5441-2021
    A retrospective analysis of 385 consecutive admissions to a regional burns unit in a period of 6 years is presented. The majority were flame burns, followed by scalds. The male to female ratio was 3: 1. More than half of the patients were adults (more than the age of 16 years) and most of the injuries occurred at home. In the group of patients under 2 years of age, scalds were the leading cause of burns and among them hot tea spill was the most common reason. Many of the electrical burns occurred at the workplace and at home were resulted from inappropriate close location of high voltage lines to constructions and houses, and inappropriate use of paint thinner was found to be an important cause for flame burns occurred at the work place. The mean hospitalization time was 27.1 days and the overall mortality rate was 14% (n=54). In this paper, regional characteristics of some etiologic factors, together with some descriptive analysis in burn injury and some preventive measures are presented.
  • Publication
    Treatment of recurrent temporomandibular joint dislocation
    (Springer India, 2013-12-01) Kahveci, Ramazan; Şimşek, M. Eren; Akın, Selçuk; Özbek, Serhat; Özgenel, Güzin Yeşim; Gökmen, Zeynep Gül; KAHVECİ, RAMAZAN; Şimşek, M. Eren; AKIN, SELÇUK; ÖZBEK, SERHAT; ÖZGENEL, GÜZİN YEŞİM; Gökmen, Zeynep Gül; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; AAH-5441-2021; AAH-4233-2021; AAH-5064-2021; AAG-4626-2019; IHE-7148-2023; IEB-8849-2023
    Temporomandibular joint dislocation is defined as the movement of condyle out of the fossa and the advancement of the posterior surface of the condyle in front of the articular eminence. If this condition becomes chronic, surgical treatment is the only option. The goal of surgical treatment is to reposition the condyle and prevent further recurrences. In this study, a retrospective analysis is presented examining 73 patients and 83 joints that were treated with hook-shaped miniplates and miniscrews fixed to otolog bone grafts. Records were obtained from archives of the Uludag University Medical Faculty, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department. The duration of postoperative follow-up was 3-30 months. In one case, the miniplate was fractured, and in two cases, abscesses existed. This study aims to emphasize that using miniplates and otolog bone grafts is more cost effective.
  • Publication
    Racked-shaped kite flap
    (Modestum Ltd, 2005-01-01) Karaca, Kemal; Etoz, Abdullah; Akın, Selçuk; AKIN, SELÇUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Anabilim Dalı.; AAH-5064-2021