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  • Publication
    Influences of sowing date and harvest stage on dry matter yield and forage quality of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
    (Society of Field Crops Science, 2023) Çarpıcı, Emine Budaklı; Erol, Sebiha; Aşık, Barış Bülent; Arslan, Ömer; BUDAKLI ÇARPICI, EMİNE; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Erol, Sebiha; Arslan, Ömer; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Tarla Bitkileri; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; IUB-7900-2023; GLX-0626-2022; CDX-0906-2022; JJG-4772-2023
    Sowing dates and harvest stages are very important to obtained better forage yield and quality. The goal of the study was to ascertain how the quinoa growing conditions in Marmara will be affected by the sowing dates and harvest stages. In 2018 and 2019, the experiment was conducted in an experimental field in the Agricultural Application and Research Area of Bursa Uludag University's Agriculture Faculty. The field experiment was set up using three replicates of a split-plot randomized complete blocks design. Titicaca variety of quinoa was used as a plant material in the study. Four different sowing dates (15 April, 1 May, 15 May and 1 June) were considered in the main plot and three different harvest stages (beginning of flowering, full flowering and seed setting) in the sub-plot. In this study, plant height, dry matter yield, crude protein, crude protein yield, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, the relative feed value, and macro and micro elements were examined. The two-year findings show that sowing on May 1 produced the maximum dry matter yield (2798 kg ha-1) and crude protein yield (584 kg ha-1). In terms of harvest stages, seed setting stage came to the fore in terms of high forage (4001 kg ha-1) and crude protein yield (746 kg ha-1).
  • Publication
    The effects of different sowing times and harvest stages on forage yield and quality in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)
    (Society of Fields Crop Science, 2022-01-01) Erol, Sebiha; Arslan, Ömer; Aşık, Barış Bülent; Çarpıcı, Emine Budaklı; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; BUDAKLI ÇARPICI, EMİNE; EROL, SEBİHA; ARSLAN, ÖMER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü.; 0000-0002-4692-0748; GLX-0626-2022; EJH-3898-2022; CDX-0906-2022; DVI-7776-2022
    This study was carried out to determine the effects of different sowing times and harvest stages on the yield and forage quality of buckwheat in Marmara's conditions. The experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 in Bursa Uludag University Agricultural Application and Research Area using the Gunes variety as plant material. The experiment arranged randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement having three replications. Four different sowing times (15 April, 1 May, 15 May and 1 June) and three different harvest stages (flowering, milky and dough) were considered in the main plot and sub-plot, respectively. Results showed that higher plant height and dry matter yield values were obtained from plants sown on 15 April and harvested during the milky or dough stages. The highest crude protein ratio, crude protein yield and relative feed value, and the lowest acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber values were determined in plants that were sown early and harvested during flowering stage. In general, delaying the harvest stage increased the yield of buckwheat but negatively affected the forage quality.
  • Publication
    Influence of drying methods on the nutrients, protein content and vitamin profile of basil leaves
    (Elsevier, 2021-03-01) Alibaş, İlknur; Yilmaz, Aslıhan; Aşık, Bülent Barış; Erdogan, Hilal; ALİBAŞ, İLKNUR; YILMAZ, ASLIHAN; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; 0000-0002-1898-8390; 0000-0002-4913-905X; 0000-0002-0387-2600; AAP-5834-2020; AAY-2088-2021; AAH-4263-2021
    In this study, basil leaves were dried using natural, microwave-, and convective-drying methods from an initial moisture content of 90.90 +/- 0.1 % to a final one of 8.21 +/- 0.12 %. The natural drying was done in a controlled room at a temperature of 25 +/- 1 degrees C and relative humidity of 60 +/- 5 %. The microwave-drying processes were performed using 100, 300, 500, 700, and 900 W microwave output powers, while 50 degrees C was used in convective-drying. The drying periods of different drying methods lasted between 16.5 and 1620 min. Consequently, the best drying method regarding drying period, energy consumption, protein amount, macronutrients (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and B), micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and B), water-soluble vitamins (ascorbic acid, Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6), fat-soluble vitamins (beta-carotene, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K), color parameters (L, a, b, C and alpha) and chlorophyll concentration was determined to be microwave-drying at 700 W.
  • Publication
    Mineral content of leaves, stalks and fruits of european cranberrybush plant (viburnum opulus l.)
    (Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univ Rektorlugu, 2019-01-01) Taşkın, Onur; TAŞKIN, ONUR; Aşık, Barış Bülent; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; İzli, Nazmi; İZLİ, NAZMİ; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü.; 0000-0002-5741-8841; AAH-5018-2021; R-7996-2016
    In this study, the protein and mineral contents of fruit, stalks and leaves of naturally grown European Cranberrybush were investigated. The macro element contents of European Cranberrybush fruits, stalks and leaves were determined as 0.52-0.51-1.94% Nitrogen (N), 0.09-0.04-0.42% Phosphorus (P), 0.93-0.10-1.17%, Potassium (K), 0.21-0.48-2.44% Calcium (Ca), 0.05-0.04-0.37% Magnesium (Mg) and 0.04-0.06-0.09% Sodium (Na), respectively. The micro elements were found 12.81-215.83-436.35 mg kg(-1) Iron (Fe), 5.69-12.38-8.05 mg kg(-1) Copper (Cu), 6.45-19.97-25.81 mg kg(-1) Zinc (Zn) and 1.56-26.62-40.47 mg kg(-1) Mangan (Mn), respectively. Protein results of fruits, stalks and leaves were determined as 0.52%, 0.51% and 12.10%, respectively. The results showed that the protein and mineral contents of the leaves (except copper) were higher than the fruit and the leaves, and the alternative evaluation possibilities of leaves should be investigated.
  • Publication
    The effect of drying methods on the color, chlorophyll, total phenolic, flavonoids, and macro and micronutrients of thyme plant
    (Wiley, 2021-09-05) Yılmaz, Aslıhan; Alibaş, İlknur; Aşık, Barış Bülent; YILMAZ, ASLIHAN; ALİBAŞ, İLKNUR; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; 0000-0002-4913-905X; 0000-0002-1898-8390; AAY-2088-2021; AAH-4263-2021; CDX-0906-2022
    In the present study, thyme leaves weighing 20 +/- 0.02 g were dried from the initial moisture of 76.07% +/- 0.06% to the final moisture of 9.05% +/- 0.76% via natural drying, convective drying at 50 degrees C, and microwave drying at 200, 600, and 1,000 W. The closest color parameters to the fresh product were found in the natural drying, followed by 600 and 1,000 W. The highest chlorophyll content had found at natural drying, 1,000 and 600 W, respectively. Microwave drying at 600 W maximally protected the macro and micronutrients, followed by natural drying and 1,000 W. The highest total phenolic and flavonoid content was measured at 200 W, followed by 600 W and 50 degrees C, respectively. In the study, the microwave drying method at 600 W was the most successful in terms of the drying period, color parameters, chlorophyll concentration, and nutrients. Novelty impact statement For the first time, the color, chlorophyll, nutritional element, total phenolic, and flavonoids of dried thyme plants were examined in detail altogether. In the light of the quality parameters, which were examined, a data profile was created for dried thyme leaves in comparison with the fresh product.
  • Publication
    The effects of differrent nitrogen doses on forage yield and quality of annual ryegrass (lolium multiflorum westerwoldicum caramba)
    (Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univ, 2019-01-01) Özdemir, Semih; Budaklı Çarpıcı, Emine; BUDAKLI ÇARPICI, EMİNE; Asık, Bans Bülent; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi; AAH-1513-2021
    This research was conducted to investigate the effects of different nitrogen doses on the yield and quality of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum westerwoldicum Caramba) at the Agricultural Application and Research Center of Agriculture Faculty, Uludag University under Bursa conditions in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Seven nitrogen dose (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kg N da(-1)) was applied in the experiment with three replications using Randomized Complete Block Design. Caramba variety of annual ryegrass was used as a plant material in this study. In the research, some characters such as plant height, SPAD value, forage yield, dry matter yield, crude protein ratio, crude protein yield, ADF and NDF ratios were investigated. According to the results; nitrogen doses were effective on plant height, SPAD value, crude protein ratio and yield, NDF, forage yield and dry matter yield. It is advisable to use 50 kg da(-1) nitrogen dose to obtain high yield and quality in annual ryegrass cultivation in Bursa and similar conditions.
  • Publication
    Suitability and assessment of the dams water for the purpose of agricultural irrigation
    (Chinese Acad Agricultural Engineering, 2023-11-01) Aşık, Barış Bülent; Kapdi, Esra Bozan; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Kapdi, Esra Bozan; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü; CDX-0906-2022; KFN-4753-2024
    This study was carried out to evaluate the water quality of selected dam lakes as well as their suitability for agricultural irrigation. Seven dams were selected for water sampling and samples were collected monthly, including during the irrigation season for a period of one year from March to September 2019. The samples were analyzed for temperature, pH, physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH value, salinity (EC), anions (CO3, HCO3, CI, SO4, P, NO3), cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, B, NH4) and heavy metals. The irrigation suitability assessment was made using various indices such as SAR (sodium adsorption rate), TDS (total dissolved solids), Na% (sodium percentage), RSC (residual sodium bicarbonate), MAR (magnesium adsorption rate), KR (Kelly ratio), and PI (permeability index). The temperature values of the water samples varied between 5.8 degrees C -25.1 degrees C, pH and EC values changed between 7.51 and 8.46, 282, and 1400 mu S/cm respectively. The water samples were evaluated as C2S1 and C3S1 irrigation water classes. The heavy metal contents of the water samples were determined below the limit values. Selected dams were found suitable for irrigation in terms of EC (salinity), SAR (sodium adsorption rate), TDS (total dissolved solids), Na% (sodium percentage), RSC (residual sodium bicarbonate), MAR (magnesium adsorption rate), and KR (Kelly ratio). Water samples were determined as the second class of PI (permeability index). Gullubag dam was not found suitable as irrigation water in terms of EC, Na%, RSC, and KR values. As a result, it specifically points to the restrictions on the use of water from the Gullubag dam for irrigation purposes.
  • Publication
    Macro and micro element composition of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea l.) varieties in Turkey
    (Galenos Yayıncılık, 2023-01-01) Aşık, Ferrin Ferda; Aşık, Barış Bülent; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; 0000-0001-8395-6283; EMG-1021-2022
    This study was conducted to determine the macro and micro element contents of fourteen peanuts in Turkey. Virginia (NC-7, Halisbey, Arioglu-2003, Sultan Flower-22, Osmaniye-2005, Brantley, Wilson, Batem-5025, Batem-Cihangir, NC V 11 and Polen) Runner (Georgia Green) and Spanish (Florispan) market types have been evaluated. The research was conducted for two years (2015 to 2016) under main crop conditions in the trial areas of belonging to the Oil Seed Research Institute. The highest nitrogen content is from the Florispan (4.56%) variety, the highest phosphorus and sodium content is from the Halisbey (0.10%) variety, the highest potassium content is from the Sultan (0.46%) variety, the highest calcium content is from the Flower-22 (0.07%) variety and the highest the magnesium content was taken from Arioglu-2003 (0.26%) variety. The highest iron content is in Batem-Cihangir (27.34 mg kg-1) variety, the highest copper content is in Flower-22 (7.08 mg kg-1), the highest zinc content is in Sultan (29.35 mg kg-1), the highest manganese content NC-7 (20.61 mg kg-1) variety, the highest boron content was found in Florispan (26.99 mg kg-1) variety. According to the results of this study, varieties with different chemical compositions can be used in food and breeding studies.
  • Publication
    Determination of pollution status of Nilufer river by water and bottom sediment analysis
    (IWA Publishing, 2023-01-17) Aşık, Barış Bülent; Özsoy, Gökhan; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; ÖZSOY, GÖKHAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü; HNN-0428-2023; CDX-0906-2022
    This study aims to evaluate the Nilufer river in terms of water quality standards. Bottom sediment and water samples were taken from six different locations. The analysis of the physicochemical parameters of water compared with FAO for irrigation water quality standards. In addition, the SAR (sodium adsorption ratio), % Na, MAR (magnesium adsorption ratio), RSC (residual sodium carbonate), KR (Kelley's ratio) and % PI (permeability index) parameters were evaluated in water samples. The bottom sediment pollution situation was evaluated in terms of pollution index such as TEC (threshold effect concentration) and PEC (probable effect concentration). According to the results of the study, the irrigation water classes of the samples were determined as C2S1 and C3S1. Especially, sample sites S4, S5 and S6 were not suitable for irrigation in terms of RSC, KR. The bottom sediment exceeded the TEC and PEC limit values in terms of Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni contents. This may cause adverse effects on the majority of sediment-dwelling organisms.The use of alternative water sources should be preferred. The river can be used for irrigation with precaution but extensive treatment is required before use for irrigation purposes to prevent adverse public health effects.
  • Publication
    The influence of irrigation strategies on tomato fruit yield and leaf nutrient contents
    (Springer, 2022-05-17) Turhan, Ahmet; Kuşcu, Hayrettin; Aşık, Bülent Barış; TURHAN, AHMET; KUŞÇU, HAYRETTİN; AŞIK, BARIŞ BÜLENT; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mustafakemalpasa Meslek Yüksekokulu/Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Üretim Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Bölümü.; 0000-0002-1976-8082; 0000-0001-9600-7685; AAH-4682-2021; AAG-5889-2021; CEI-5442-2022
    In order to assess the effect of deficit irrigation (DI) on fruit yield and leaf nutrient contents of tomatoes in the Mediterranean climate, an open-field experiment was carried out in Bursa, Western Turkey. Experiments were conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications. Five irrigation treatments (IT) were studied: 100% (IT1, control), 75% (IT2) or 50% (IT3) evapotranspiration throughout the entire irrigation season; 100% of IT1 during the first half of the irrigation season (during 45 days from plantation) and 75% (IT3) or 50% (IT4) of IT1 during the second half of the irrigation season (about 45 days). The greatest fruit yield was obtained from IT1 treatment and significant decreases were observed in fruit yields with increasing water deficits. As compared to the control, IT4 treatment offered about 15% saving in irrigation water and a low level of reduction in yield (2.11%). Relatively high irrigation water productivity and water productivity values were obtained from IT2 and IT4 treatments. Effects of DI on water potential are also reflected in leaf nutrients. Reductions in water uptake resulted in reduced nutrient uptakes. The greatest leaf nutrient contents were observed in the IT4 treatment. Except for Mn and Cu, significant decreases in leaf nutrients with increasing water deficits were observed.