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  • Publication
    Dysregulation of the epithelial barrier by environmental and other exogenous factors
    (Wiley, 2021-08-18) Mitamura, Yasutaka; Öğülür, İsmail; Pat, Yağız; Rinaldi, Arturo O.; Ardıçlı, Özge; Cevhertaş, Laçin; Brueggen, Marie-Charlotte; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia; Akdiş, Mübeccel; Akdiş, Cezmi A.; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; Cevhertaş, Laçin; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü/Tıbbi İmmünoloji Anabilim Dalı.; AAG-7421-2021; FYD-1431-2022
    The "epithelial barrier hypothesis" proposes that the exposure to various epithelial barrier-damaging agents linked to industrialization and urbanization underlies the increase in allergic diseases. The epithelial barrier constitutes the first line of physical, chemical, and immunological defense against environmental factors. Recent reports have shown that industrial products disrupt the epithelial barriers. Innate and adaptive immune responses play an important role in epithelial barrier damage. In addition, recent studies suggest that epithelial barrier dysfunction plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of the atopic march by allergen sensitization through the transcutaneous route. It is evident that external factors interact with the immune system, triggering a cascade of complex reactions that damage the epithelial barrier. Epigenetic and microbiome changes modulate the integrity of the epithelial barrier. Robust and simple measurements of the skin barrier dysfunction at the point-of-care are of significant value as a biomarker, as recently reported using electrical impedance spectroscopy to directly measure barrier defects. Understanding epithelial barrier dysfunction and its mechanism is key to developing novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases. The aim of this review is to summarize recent studies on the pathophysiological mechanisms triggered by environmental factors that contribute to the dysregulation of epithelial barrier function.
  • Publication
    Comparison of mycoplasma gallisepticum infection in different samples and ages of chicken breeder flocks
    (Facta-fundacio Arnco Ciencia Tecnologia Avicolas, 2020-01-01) Demirbilek, Serpil Kahya; KAHYA DEMİRBİLEK, SERPİL; Ardıçlı, Özge; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; Çarlı, Kamil Tayfun; CARLI, KAMİL TAYFUN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-6077-0478; 0000-0001-6045-8644; AAG-7421-2021; AAH-2842-2021
    This study aimed to compare method-based and newly developed sample-based methods for Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) detection in different samples of breeder flocks suffering from respiratory disease problems by using culture, real-time PCR (rPCR) and ELISA from chicks and embryonated eggs. Overall, 450 samples of 19-day-old chicken embryo's trachea, 450 samples of 8-day-old chicken tracheal swabs and 900 blood samples of 20-, 27-, 34-, 40- and 46-week-old breeder chickens from 5 flocks were sampled for 26 weeks, and were all tested for MG by culture, MG-rPCR and MG-ELISA. Culturing assays and rPCR were applied to 450 mixture samples from 19-day-old chicken embryo's trachea and 450 tracheal swab samples (each pooled into groups of 3) from 8-day-old chicks from the same flocks. Also, 900 blood samples from the same 5 breeder flocks suffering from respiratory disease problems were tested by MG-ELISA.In individual sample-based analyses, 55 (18.3%) of the 300 pooled swab samples were positive for MG using culture methods, and 106 (35.3%) of the same samples were found positive by rPCR (sensitivity, specificity). The ELISAs indicated that 252 (28%) of the 900 breeding blood samples were MG seropositive. Using age-based analyses, the most positive period was 46 weeks, followed by 40 weeks, 34 weeks, 27 weeks and at least 20 weeks, in order of decreasing seropositivity. When comparing the culture and rPCR results of the two different sampling methods, chicken embryo's trachea yielded more positive results than did tracheal swabs from the same flocks. In conclusion, rPCR is a highly specific, sensitive and reliable method for MG identification.
  • Publication
    First isolation of salmonella duisburg from quail flock
    (Sivar-soc Italiana Veterinari Animali Reddito, 2021-06-01) ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; KAHYA DEMİRBİLEK, SERPİL; KAHYA DEMİRBİLEK, SERPİL; Kurnaz, Havva; Carli, Kamil Tayfun; CARLI, KAMİL TAYFUN; ÇARLI, KAMİL TAYFUN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.; 0000-0001-6077-0478; HOC-6049-2023; AAG-7421-2021
    The first isolation of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Duisburg (S. Duisburg) (4,12,[27]:d:e,n,z(15)) from quails was presented in this case report. Internal organs and ileocecal parts of intestines were collected from quails at 20-day old age in the flock (total of 150 quails) located in South Marmara region of Turkey. Isolation was performed according to International Organization for Standardization Method 6579. Regarding the identification of Salmonella-suspected colonies, API 20E test strips and Phoenix 100 ID/AST system were used. Serotyping of the isolate was undertaken using the slide serum agglutination test. Minimum inhibitory concentration results showed that Salmonella isolate was susceptible to all the tested antimicrobials. Although the prominent species is chicken in poultry, quail breeding increases its importance and extensiveness. Therefore this study may be useful not only for current antibiotic practices in quail breeding but also for further studies on avian microbiology.
  • Publication
    How do we use molecular knowledge in diagnosis and control of pandemic avian viruses?
    (Aves, 2022-01-01) Ardıçlı, Özge; Demirbilek, Serpil Kahya; Coven, Fethiye; Çarlı, Kamil Tayfun; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; KAHYA DEMİRBİLEK, SERPİL; CARLI, KAMİL TAYFUN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-6077-0478; 0000-0003-1928-7630; AAG-7421-2021; E-3867-2010; CNE-1191-2022
    Pandemic respiratory viruses of poultry have caused significant economic losses in the poultry industry since the 1930s, and molecular and genetic techniques are widely used for diagnosis and control of the infections. Knowledge of changes in the genetic and antigenic characteristics of the pandemic viruses during the time can be really important for human pandemic viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome virus-coronavirus-2 and human influenza virus. The use of these techniques plays a vital role in preventing the faulty results and the possible financial losses that may occur due to the limited findings obtained from conventional laboratory tests. In the light of this information, the purpose of this review is to provide an up-to-date assessment of the diagnosis and prevention of major respiratory viruses in poultry and a general and field-oriented scientific perspective that may be useful in the industry. In this context, current approaches for diagnosis and vaccination applications developed using molecular methods based on avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus, avian paramyxovirus-1 virus, and avian influenza virus, which are pandemic, are discussed, and solution suggestions for an effective fight are presented.
  • Publication
    A potential immunological silver bullet for COVID-19: The trivalent chimpanzee adenoviral serotype-68 vector (Tri:ChAd)
    (Wiley, 2022-04-27) Ardıçlı, Özge; Azkur, Ahmet Kürşat; Azkur, Dilek; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Karacabey Meslek Yüksekokulu/Gıda İşleme Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi Programı.; 0000-0001-6077-0478; AAG-7421-2021
  • Publication
    A surveillance for avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus, infectious laryngotracheitis virus, avian metapneumovirus, and avian reovirus in poultry fllocks with respiratory signs in Turkiye
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2022-01-01) Çöven, Fethiye; Ardıçlı, Özge; ARDIÇLI, ÖZGE; Demirbilek, Serpil Kahya; KAHYA DEMİRBİLEK, SERPİL; Çarlı, Kamil Tayfun; CARLI, KAMİL TAYFUN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.; 0000-0001-6077-0478; 0000-0003-1928-7630; AAG-7421-2021
    In this study, avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV), avian metapneumovirus (AMPV), and avian reovirus (ARV) were evaluated in broiler and layer flocks. For this purpose, tracheal swabs from 48 broiler and 45 layer flocks with respiratory signs were inoculated SPF embryonated chicken eggs for virus isolation. The viruses were identified by real-time PCR. Results showed that the most common virus in both broiler and layer farms was IBV with incidence rates of 58.33% and 46.67%, respectively. ILTV, AMPV, and ARV incidences in the samples were found to be 22.22%, 13.33%, and 4.44% in layer flocks while 2.08%, 8.33%, and 20.83% in broilers, respectively. The numbers of IBV+AMPV and IBV+ARV coinfections were 5 (11.11%) and 1 (2.22%) in layers, whereas, 1 (2.08%) and 5 (10.42%) broilers, respectively. In addition, 2 broiler flocks (4.17%) had triple infection with IBV, AMPV, and ARV. ILTV was detected always alone from the samples of layer and broiler flocks. Sequencing of S1 gene of selected IBV TR/L45 and TR/B42 isolates showed similarities with IS/1494/06 (HM131453) at the rates of 98.98% and 99.69%, respectively, while TR/L37, TR/L38, and TR/L39 isolates were identical to 4/91 (KF377577) vaccine strain at the rates of 99.01%, 99.01%, and 98.76%, respectively. Sequencing analysis of the ICP4 and TK genes of ILTV isolates revealed that they were all field strains with low virulence. The present data represent actual information on the genotypes of IBV and ILTV circulating in poultry flocks in Turkiye.