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  • Publication
    The effects of picnic areas on epiphytic lichen diversity at abies forests in Uludag National Park, Turkey
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2021-01-01) Güvenç, Şaban; GÜVENÇ, ŞABAN; Kula, Hülya Öztürk; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.; 0000-0001-8724-9981; AAG-7065-2021
    The study was conducted on Lambda bie,s' trees located in Kirazliyayla - Sanalan camping and daily picnic areas in the Uludag National Park. The epiphytic lichen diversity decreases due to differences in micro climate and intensive use of picnic areas by people. Relative humidity and bark surface moisture decreased due to an increase in the amount of light in picnic areas. Relative humidity in San alan picnic areas significantly affects the epiphytic lichen diversity and causes a significant decrease in lichen species. Relative humidity and light are the most important factors affecting the diversity and structure of epiphytic lichen.
  • Publication
    The determination of the changes in epiphytic lichen diversity at microclimatic conditions the Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl. forest in the Uludag Mountains (Bursa, Turkey)
    (Gebruder Borntraeger, 2019-11-01) Öztürk, Sule; ÖZTÜRK, ŞULE; Güvenç, Şaban; GÜVENÇ, ŞABAN; Oran, Seyhan; ORAN, SEYHAN; 0000-0001-8724-9981; AAD-7322-2019; AAG-7065-2021; AAH-5039-2021
    The aim of this study is to determine the effects of microclimatic factors and tree size on epiphytic lichen diversity in different parts of Quercus petraea. The microclimatic factors used were tree size, the base and trunk of the tree. bark surface moisture, and environmental factors such as the amount of relative humidity and light in the environment. A total of 35 epiphytic lichen species was found in the Quercus petraea forest in the Uludag Mountains. Parmelia sulcata was the most common species. The highest species diversity was found in small trees. Shannon diversity on the trunk of the tree decreased with the increase in the tree size. The relationship between tree size and species richness on the trunk of the tree was found to be more significant than that found on the base. It has been determined that the frequency of some species on the base and trunk of the tree was increased as a result of an increase in the amount of relative humidity and light in the environment and an increase in the bark surface moisture. At the same time the frequency decreased when the amount of relative humidity and light in the environment and bark surface moisture decreased.