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  • Publication
    Effect of commercial and organic fertilisers on some heavy metal contents of semolina
    (Scibulcom, 2015-01-01) Taş, Birol; TAŞ, BİROL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu; JBS-6560-2023; AAG-7375-2021
    Almost all nutrient elements include heavy metals in varying amounts. It is already known that the practices in plant production (such as irrigation, fertilisers, applying pesticides, etc.) have effects on the heavy metal contents of the crops that are grown in that field. For this reason, the effects of two growing techniques (Organic Farming System and Commercial Fanning System) on the heavy metal contents in semolina have been examined in this study, because many food products produced from semolina have important place in human nutrition. The study was planned in 3 replications according to the Randomised Complete Block Design. No agricultural production had been performed in the field where the study was conducted. The Kiziltan-91, Mirzabey 2000, Eminbey, Cakmak-79 and Kunduru 1149 varieties were used as the experiment materials. The varieties were grown in two different styles as Conventional Farming System (CFS) and Organic Farming System (OFS) style. The varieties were planted in 7 m(2) parcels by hand with a '5 m length x 1.4 m width; 20 cm row space, 8 rows' design. While the Cd amount was almost the same in all soil types, the Cr, Ni and Pb amounts gave the highest values in the soil types where CFS was applied. The amount of Cu and Zn was found to be the highest in the soil type where OFS was applied. In the semolina samples, statistically important differences were detected between the values found in OFS and CFS, except for the Cr.
  • Publication
    Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) uptake by cucurbita pepo under exhaust gas loading
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022-02-21) Cihangir, Perihan; Durmuş, Hafize; Taş, Birol; Cindoruk, S. Sıddık; Cihangir, Perihan; Durmuş, Hafize; TAŞ, BİROL; CİNDORUK, SABAHATTİN SIDDIK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü.; 0000-0001-7536-0332; EPC-0182-2022; IKM-6534-2023; EBF-7938-2022; GBB-7012-2022
    It was aimed to compare the uptake of PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) by Cucurbita pepo fruits exposed to exhaust gas or not in a greenhouse chamber. Cucurbita pepo vegetable was grown in two greenhouses, which were formed as control group and experimental group. The experimental group greenhouse was regularly exposed to exhaust gas for a certain period, no intervention was made to the control group. PAHs were measured in grown Cucurbita pepo samples and indoor air of greenhouse by passive air sampler (PAS). The average n-ary sumation (16)PAH concentration in Cucurbita pepo in the experimental group (exposed to exhaust gas) was 191.5 ng/g, compared with 124.8 ng/g in the control group (not exposed). The nearness of the vegetable to exhaust gas source were effective on the PAH levels. A significantly positive relationship (p < 0.05) was observed in PAH concentration between Cucurbita pepo and indoor air. It was found that PAH levels measured in the Cucurbita pepo vegetable were increased in proportion to PAH exposure, but this amount tended to decrease in the Cucurbita pepo growing sufficiently. Benzo(a)pyrene had the highest toxic equivalence value in health risk assessment calculations. A negative effect of excess foliation on plant growth rather than fruit production was observed under exhaust gas exposure.