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  • Publication
    Right- versus left-sided approach for transhepatic tunneled catheter placement: Is there a difference?
    (Springer, 2021-04-08) Nas, Ömer F.; Candan, Selman; Öztepe, Muhammed F.; Kandemirli, Sedat G.; Bilgin, Cem; İnecikli, Mehmet F.; Özkaya, Güven; Gökalp, Gökhan; Öngen, Gökhan; Erdoğan, Cüneyt; NAS, ÖMER FATİH; CANDAN, SELMAN; Öztepe, Muhammed F.; İNECİKLİ, MEHMET FATİH; ÖZKAYA, GÜVEN; GÖKALP, GÖKHAN; ÖNGEN, GÖKHAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsünde/Biyoistatistik Bilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-0297-846X; 0000-0002-3682-2474; AAK-5124-2020; HHS-7433-2022; GVS-7682-2022; AAG-8561-2021; DLB-1623-2022; IVU-2672-2023; GMO-0473-2022; FQR-8472-2022
    Objective We aimed to compare the technical difficulties, complications, long-term efficacy, and risks between right- and left-sided approach transhepatic tunneled catheterization. Methods We retrospectively evaluated transhepatic tunneled catheter placement cases in our institution between May 2012 and November 2019. Demographic and procedural parameters were recorded. Statistical tests were used to compare the complication rates of right- and left-sided approach. Furthermore, Cox regression analyses were used to investigate the relationship between functional catheter days and included parameters. Results A total of 83 procedures were performed in 46 patients, with a female to male ratio of 1.88 and a mean age of 55.5 +/- 18.2 years. Indication for catheter placement was chronic renal insufficiency and loss of central venous access through traditional routes in all cases. Median functional catheter durations were 28 days (1-382) and 55.5 days (1-780) for right-sided and left-sided access, respectively. Complication rates were similar for both sides. There was no difference between primary and revision procedures in terms of safety and efficacy outcomes. In univariate Cox regression analysis, gender was the only variable which was found to be statistically significant (HR = 2.014 (1.004-4.038)) for functional catheter days. In multivariate Cox regression model, gender and access side were included which failed to reach statistical significance. Conclusions In our study, both right- and left-sided approaches provided similar safety and efficacy outcomes, suggesting that both techniques can be employed based on physician's preference.
  • Publication
    Non-contrast magnetic resonance venography with inhance 3D Velocity: Diagnostic performance for intracranial venous thrombosis
    (Springer, 2021-04-06) Özpar, Rifat; Tonkaz, Mehmet; Erkal, Duygu; Öngen, Gökhan; Hakyemez, Bahattin; ÖZPAR, RİFAT; TONKAZ, MEHMET; ERKAL TONKAZ, DUYGU; ÖNGEN, GÖKHAN; HAKYEMEZ, BAHATTİN; 0000-0001-6649-9287; 0000-0002-8201-1568; 0000-0002-3425-0740; AAH-5062-2021; DZJ-5260-2022; EUK-9600-2022; FQR-8472-2022; AAI-2318-2021
    Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of Inhance 3D Velocity (I3DV) in intracranial venous thrombosis and investigate the possible impact of venous sinus hypoplasia/aplasia on false thrombosis diagnosis made with I3DV. Methods This study included 540 patients. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography combined with conventional sequences was considered the gold standard test (GST), while I3DV was considered as diagnostic test. We accessed the diagnostic success of I3DV for intracranial venous thrombosis detection, thrombosed vessel identification, and total/partial thrombus distinction. The possible relationship between false-positive thrombus diagnosed by I3DV and venous sinus hypoplasia or aplasia diagnosed by GST was investigated. Results The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of I3DV in the detection of intracranial venous thrombosis were 95.7%, 92.1%, 64.1%, 99.3%, and 92.6%, respectively. A significant association was observed between I3DV and GST in terms of thrombosis detection and total/partial thrombus distinction (p < 0.001). A significant relationship was observed between false-positive thrombosis diagnosis in I3DV and hypoplasia in the left transverse sinus (p < 0.001). Conclusion Intracranial venous thrombosis may be diagnosed faster and more accurately than traditional phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography in I3DV. This technique can be used in situations where contrast medium application is contraindicated. As in other non-contrast magnetic resonance venography techniques, left transverse sinus hypoplasia can be diagnosed as a thrombosed vessel in I3DV.
  • Publication
    An assessment of slap type 5 lesions using proton density oblique sagittal imaging in magnetic resonance arthrography
    (Sage Publications, 2021-12-10) Öngen, Gökhan; Gökalp, Gökhan; Nas, Ömer Fatih; ÖNGEN, GÖKHAN; GÖKALP, GÖKHAN; NAS, ÖMER FATİH; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-3682-2474; FQR-8472-2022; GMO-0473-2022; AAG-8561-2021
    Background Bankart lesions accompany superior labrum anteroposterior (SLAP) lesions; these are called SLAP type 5. Purpose To compare SLAP type 5 lesions using routine magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) and thin-slice oblique sagittal proton density (PDW) sequences and correlation operation results. Material and Methods In total, 181 patients were admitted with shoulder instability. The study was completed with 44 patients. The presence or absence of isolated Bankart and SLAP type 5 lesions in routine MRA and PDW oblique sagittal images were evaluated separately. Absence of rupture scored 0 points, suspected ruptures scored 1 point, and apparent ruptures scored 2 points. The two scores were compared with the shoulder arthroscopy findings. Results According to the findings in the shoulder arthroscopy, 40 patients had Bankart lesions and 17 patients had accompanying SLAP type 5 lesions. To detect a Bankart lesion, there was no significant difference between routine MRA sequences and PDW oblique sagittal images (P = 0.061). Routine MRA sensitivity was 95%, specificity 25%, positive predictive value (PPV) 92%, negative predictive value (NPV) 33%, while for PDW oblique sagittal images, sensitivity was 75%, specificity 100%, PPV 100%, and NPV 28.5%. In 8/17 type 5 SLAP lesions, routine MRA detected sensitivity 47%, specificity 92.6%, PPV 80%, and NPV 73.5%; in 14/17 SLAP type 5 lesions, PDW oblique sagittal images detected sensitivity 82%, specificity 100%, PPV 100%, and NPV 90% (P = 0.015). Conclusion The PDW oblique sagittal images may play a significant role in assessing the anterior and superior extent of the tears.
  • Publication
    Morphometric shape analysis of corpus callosum in children with down syndrome
    (Sage Publications Inc, 2023-08-31) Gürsel, Başak Erdemli; Ercan, İlker; Şahin, İbrahim; Öngen, Gökhan; ERDEMLİ GÜRSEL, BAŞAK; ERCAN, İLKER; Şahin, İbrahim; ÖNGEN, GÖKHAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyolog Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü/Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2382-290X; 0000-0002-0047-1780; AAH-6568-2021; HII-7787-2022; ABF-2367-2020; JJO-9241-2023
    Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation and delay in neurocognitive functions. Herein, we analyzed the morphometric shape of the corpus callosum (CC) in children with DS. Twenty-three DS cases underwent magnetic resonance imaging and have grossly normal CC, and 23 control group cases were included in this retrospective study (2012-2020). The CC was obtained from T2-weighted mid-sagittal images, and certain anatomical points were marked on the CC. Statistical geometric shapes and deformations of CC were evaluated for both groups. The age range of patients with DS and control group was 6 to 42 months. A statistically significant difference was found in the shape of CC between the groups (P < .001). Deformation was most evident in the splenium in the DS group.