Publication: İngiliz diplomat Arthur Nicolson’un raporunda Rus General Kuropatkin’in Türkistan’dan Hindistan’a uzanan büyük işgal projesi (1886)
Külünk, Furkan
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
19. yüzyılda İngiltere ve Çarlık Rusya, Asya’nın önemli noktalarından bir tanesi olan Türkistan’da bir nüfuz mücadelesi içerisine girmişlerdi. Bir yandan Rusya, Türkistan’ı işgal etmek için bölgeye seferler düzenlerken öte yandan İngiltere Rusların bu ilerleyişlerini durdurabilmek için bazı politikalar yürütmekteydi. Nitekim Türkistan’ın 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren kademeli olarak işgal edilmesiyle Çarlık Rusya sınırlarının Afganistan’ın kuzeyine dek ulaşması İngiliz Hindistan’ı Hükümeti’nin birtakım tedbirler almasına neden olmuştu. Bu dönemde İngilizler Hindistan’ın güvenliğini sağlamaya çalışırken Ruslar da Hindistan’a ulaşabilmenin yollarını aramıştır. Bu yüzden iki devlet arasında bir tampon bölge olan Afganistan’ın coğrafi konumu oldukça önem arz etmiştir. Rus askerî makamları özellikle Afganistan toprakları üzerinden rotalar belirleyerek Hindistan’a en kısa yoldan ve zapt edebilecek güzergâhlar üzerinde çalışıyorlardı. Bu çalışma İngiliz diplomat Arthur Nicolson’un 1886 yılında Rus General Aleksey Nikolayeviç Kuropatkin (1848-1925) tarafından hazırlanan Hindistan’ı işgal projesi ile ilgili raporunu ele almaktadır. Ayrıca bu işgal planı karşısında İngiliz Hindistan’ı Hükümeti’nin aldığı tedbirler bu makalenin konusunu teşkil etmektedir.
In the 19th century, Britain and Tsarist Russia were engaged in a struggle for influence in Turkestan, one of the most important parts of Asia. On the one hand, Russia was organizing expeditions to theregion to occupy Turkestan, while on the other hand, Britain was conducting some policies to stopthe Russian advances. As a matter of fact, the gradual occupation of Turkestan from the second halfof the 19th century onwards and the expansion of Tsarist Russia’s borders to the north of Afghanistan caused the Government of British India to take certain measures. During this period, while the British were trying to ensure the security of India, the Russians were also looking for waysto reach India. Therefore, the geographical location of Afghanistan, which was a buffer zonebetween the two states, was of great importance. The Russian military authorities were working onthe shortest and most easily conquered routes to India, especially by determining routes throughAfghanistan. This study deals with the 1886 report of the British diplomat Arthur Nicolson on the project of invasion of India prepared by the Russian General Alexei Nikolayevich Kuropatkin (1848-1925). In addition, the measures taken by the Government of British India against this invasion plan constitute the subject of this article.
In the 19th century, Britain and Tsarist Russia were engaged in a struggle for influence in Turkestan, one of the most important parts of Asia. On the one hand, Russia was organizing expeditions to theregion to occupy Turkestan, while on the other hand, Britain was conducting some policies to stopthe Russian advances. As a matter of fact, the gradual occupation of Turkestan from the second halfof the 19th century onwards and the expansion of Tsarist Russia’s borders to the north of Afghanistan caused the Government of British India to take certain measures. During this period, while the British were trying to ensure the security of India, the Russians were also looking for waysto reach India. Therefore, the geographical location of Afghanistan, which was a buffer zonebetween the two states, was of great importance. The Russian military authorities were working onthe shortest and most easily conquered routes to India, especially by determining routes throughAfghanistan. This study deals with the 1886 report of the British diplomat Arthur Nicolson on the project of invasion of India prepared by the Russian General Alexei Nikolayevich Kuropatkin (1848-1925). In addition, the measures taken by the Government of British India against this invasion plan constitute the subject of this article.
Çarlık Rusya, İngiltere, Türkistan, Hindistan, Kuropatkin, Tsarist Russia, England, Turkestan, India
Külünk, F. (2023). "İngiliz diplomat Arthur Nicolson’un raporunda Rus General Kuropatkin’in Türkistan’dan Hindistan’a uzanan büyük işgal projesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(45), 629-645.