The importance of interview on the land consolidation projects: The case study in Kesik Village

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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi

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Land consolidation practices are the most effective method applied to solve the problem of land fragmentation in our country, as in many countries of the world. However, it is an essential tool of rural development that aims to improve the forms of parcels and provide agricultural infrastructure services to increase production in agriculture and ensure the well-being of rural residents. As part of land consolidation projects, one-on-one interviews are conducted with land owners (participants) who have a parcel in the project area. Theinter view study is essential to obtain up-to-date in the formation, such as the use cases of parcels in the project area, the presence offixed facilities, the characteristics of parcels, and the operating conditions. By interviewing all participants in the project area separately, preferences are taken for the new location of each parcel in response to the parcels they have. When receiving thesepreferences, their ans wers should be taken with care by asking special quests, such as where and how the new parcels will be, whetherthey want to divide or merge the parcels if they are shares. This stage is critical, as all the wishes, arrangements, and personal thought sare expected within the scope of land consolidation are determined in the interview. It is unlikely that the first request of participant swill always be fulfilled. Balancing blocks in a single-request deployment may not be possible. Therefore, especially from participantswith more than one parcel, second and third requests must be received. Interview work is a crucial stage that affects the success of the project. For this reason, the interview work should be carefully applied by the project engineers to reflect complete, up-to-date, andaccurate information. However, due to the interview work performed wit hout due care, the special situations indicated by theparticipant in the interview can be ignored, which negatively affects the duration of the project. In this study, data from the landconsolidation project carried out in Kesik village of Yeşilhisar District of Kayseri province were used. It was found that the number of parcels in the project area before land consolidation was 2136, while after land consolidation, this number fell to 1562 parcels. The interview participation rate in the study is 88%. However, 65% of those polled had a single choice. As a result of the preferences, 238 parcels belonging to 137 enterprises were not distributed to their preferences, the interviews of these parcels were examined, and the reasons were examined. The results of the interviews were interpreted to reveal the importance of the interview studies.


Bu çalışma, 19-20 Haziran 2021 tarihlerinde İzmir[Türkiye]’de düzenlenen 3. Internatınal Conference On Food, Agriculture And Veterinary Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Interview, Land consolidation, Participant, Request


Kirmikil, M. vd. (2021). "The importance of interview on the land consolidation projects: The case study in Kesik Village". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 15(43), 39-45.


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