Travmatik damar yaralanmaları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kliniğimizde, son on yıl içinde damar yaralanması saptanan ve tedavi edilen 236 olgu arda dönük bir çalışma ile incelendi. Olguların yaş ortalaması 25 olup 13'ü kadın 223'ü erkekti. Yaralanmaların çoğunun (% 60) kesici aletlerle oluşmasına karşın daha az bir kısmı (% 36) künt travma ve ateşli silah yaralanmalarıyla meydana gelmişti. Yaralanmalar en sıklıkla periferik arterlerde saptandı. Kırksekiz olgunun ortopedik yaralanmalarla birlikte olduğu görüldü. Bu olguların sekizinde ise kemik kırıklarına bağlı damar yaralanmaları saptandı.
We examined 236 cases who had vascular injuries which were diagnosed and treated at our clinics for from 1977 to 1987. We examined all of the cases retrospectively. The mean age was 25. 223 cases were male and the others were female. Penetrating injuries were the most of them. Most of injuries were found at peripheric arteries. The associated orthopedic trauma was found in 48 cases. Eight of them were due to fractures of the limb.
We examined 236 cases who had vascular injuries which were diagnosed and treated at our clinics for from 1977 to 1987. We examined all of the cases retrospectively. The mean age was 25. 223 cases were male and the others were female. Penetrating injuries were the most of them. Most of injuries were found at peripheric arteries. The associated orthopedic trauma was found in 48 cases. Eight of them were due to fractures of the limb.
Travma, Vascular injuries, Trauma, Damar yaralanmaları
Tümay, M. vd. (1988). ''Travmatik damar yaralanmaları''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 73-81.