Muhammed ikbal’de tanrı-evren ilişkisi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İkbal’in felsefi ilgileri, Tanrı, evren, insan, bilgi, ahlak, değer, ölümsüzlük, siyaset, özgürlük vs. gibi pek çok konuyu kapsamaktadır. Ancak biz, bu çalışmada İkbal’in Tanrı ve evren hakkındaki görüşleri üzerinde durmaya çalışacağız. Bunu yaparken de, öncelikle İkbal’in kendi eserlerine başvuracağız. İkbal’e göre evren sürmekte olan İlahî bir yaratımdır; o kaynağını, oluşunu ve devamlılığını Allah’ın yaratıcı iradesi ve bilinçli amacından alır. Evren cansız, statik değil, dinamik ve hep gelişen bir organizmadır; müşahede edilmeyen Hakikat’in müşahede edilen tarafı, O’nun nesneleşmesi ve açığa çıkmasıdır. Evren, Tanrı’dan koparılarak anlaşılamaz, çünkü o, Allah’ın davranışıdır. Bu davranış ise süreklilik arz etmektedir. İşte hakikat arayışı bu sürekliliğe insanın bütün benliğiyle katılmasıyla mümkündür.
Iqbal’s philosophical concern involves various subjects, such as God, universe, human, knowledge, morality, value, immortality, politics, freedom, etc. However, we will try to elaborate Iqbal’s views on the relationship between God and the universe. In doing so firstly we will apply to Iqbal’s own works. According to Iqbal, the universe is an ongoing divine creation; it takes its source, being and continuity from God’s creative will and His conscious purpose. The universe is not an inanimate and static thing, but it is a dynamic and ever-growing organism; an observable dimension of the Unobservable Truth, Its objectivisation and Its revelation. The universe cannot be explained as detached from God, because it is the conduct of God. This conduct is continuous. Then, seeking for truth is possible by means of human’s participation in this continuousness.
Iqbal’s philosophical concern involves various subjects, such as God, universe, human, knowledge, morality, value, immortality, politics, freedom, etc. However, we will try to elaborate Iqbal’s views on the relationship between God and the universe. In doing so firstly we will apply to Iqbal’s own works. According to Iqbal, the universe is an ongoing divine creation; it takes its source, being and continuity from God’s creative will and His conscious purpose. The universe is not an inanimate and static thing, but it is a dynamic and ever-growing organism; an observable dimension of the Unobservable Truth, Its objectivisation and Its revelation. The universe cannot be explained as detached from God, because it is the conduct of God. This conduct is continuous. Then, seeking for truth is possible by means of human’s participation in this continuousness.
Muhammed ikbal, Tanrı, Yaratma, Evren, Muhammad Iqba, Zaman-mekan, Universe, God, Time space, Creation
Peker, H. (2013). ''Muhammed ikbal’de tanrı-evren ilişkisi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 39-55.