Osmanlı medreselerinde okutulan dersler ve eserler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İslam eğitim-öğretim geleneğinin en özgün kurumlarından biri olan medreseler, Osmanlı döneminde de etkinliklerini giderek artırmışlardır. Medreseler mahiyet itibarıyla Selçuklu döneminin birikimini büyük ölçüde devam ettirmişlerdir. Fatih dönemine kadar Osmanlı medreselerinin artık bir geleneğe sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Medreselerde tercih edilen eserlerin birçoğu, genellikle Osmanlı toprakları dışında ve daha önce yaşamış bulunan âlimler tarafından kaleme alınmıştı. Okutulan kitap, şerh ve haşiyelerin çeşitliliği ve fazlalığı, Osmanlılarda ciddi bir medrese geleneğinin oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Bu makale, Osmanlı medreselerinde yaygın olarak okutulan dersler, eserler ve yazarları hakkında bilgi vermektedir.
Madrasahs, which are one of the most original foundations in the tradition of Islamic education, increased their efficiency during the Ottoman period. On a large scale, they essentially held the accumulation of Seljukian period. But one can say that, by the time of Mahmad II the Conqueror, Ottoman madrasahs established a tradition. The textbooks used in the madrasahs had been mostly written outside the Ottoman territory and by scholars who had lived before. Diversity and abundance of books, sharhs (commentary) and khashiyas (marginal note) used madrasahs indicate that a serious madrasah tradition was established in Ottomans. This article deals with the courses taught prevalently in madrasahs, the textbooks and their authors.
Madrasahs, which are one of the most original foundations in the tradition of Islamic education, increased their efficiency during the Ottoman period. On a large scale, they essentially held the accumulation of Seljukian period. But one can say that, by the time of Mahmad II the Conqueror, Ottoman madrasahs established a tradition. The textbooks used in the madrasahs had been mostly written outside the Ottoman territory and by scholars who had lived before. Diversity and abundance of books, sharhs (commentary) and khashiyas (marginal note) used madrasahs indicate that a serious madrasah tradition was established in Ottomans. This article deals with the courses taught prevalently in madrasahs, the textbooks and their authors.
Osmanlı, Medrese, Dersler, Eserler, Ottoman, Madrasah, Courses, Textbook
Hızlı, M. (2008). "Osmanlı medreselerinde okutulan dersler ve eserler". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 25-46.