Çocukluk çağı lösemileri ve elektromanyetik alan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu derlemede, konutlarda yüksek gerilim hattı (YGH) kaynaklı, çok düşük frekanslı elektromanyetik alana maruziyet ile çocukluk çağı lösemileri arasındaki ilişki irdelenmiştir. Elektromanyetik alan (EMA) biyolojik etkilere yol açmaktadır. Tüm toplum değişik seviyelerde EMA’lara maruz kalmakla birlikte çocuklar daha duyarlıdır. Kentsel alanın önemli EMA kaynaklarından başlıcası YGH’larıdır. YGH kaynaklı EMA-lösemi ilişkisi, doz-yanıt ve uzaklık açısından çok sayıdaki çalışmada incelenmiştir. EMA ile genel sağlık sonuçlarına yönelik farklı görüşler dikkat çekmektedir. Ancak EMA ile çocukluk çağılösemileri ilişkisi diğer sağlık sonuçlarından ayrıtutulmalıdır. Sınır bir de- ğer belirlenmemiş olmasına karşın yaygın kanı, 0,4 μT ve üzerindeki maruziyetlerde 15 yaş ve altında lösemi riskinin 2 kat arttığıdır.
In this review, the relationship between very low frequency electromagnetic fields, originating from high voltage powerlines, and childhood leukemia was evaluated. Electromagnetic fields have biological effects. Whole populations are effected by different levels of electromagnetic fields but children are more sensible. In urban areas high voltage powerlines are the main sources of electromagnetic fields. The relation of electromagnetic fields due to high voltage powerlines and leukemia with consideration of dose-response and distance is investigated in several studies. There are different opinions on the effects of electromagnetic fields on general health. The relation between electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia must be considered separately. Although there is no limit value, it is generally accepted that exposure to 0.4 μT and over doubles the risk of leukemia in children 15 years and younger.
In this review, the relationship between very low frequency electromagnetic fields, originating from high voltage powerlines, and childhood leukemia was evaluated. Electromagnetic fields have biological effects. Whole populations are effected by different levels of electromagnetic fields but children are more sensible. In urban areas high voltage powerlines are the main sources of electromagnetic fields. The relation of electromagnetic fields due to high voltage powerlines and leukemia with consideration of dose-response and distance is investigated in several studies. There are different opinions on the effects of electromagnetic fields on general health. The relation between electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia must be considered separately. Although there is no limit value, it is generally accepted that exposure to 0.4 μT and over doubles the risk of leukemia in children 15 years and younger.
Elektromanyetik alan, Lösemi, Electromagnetic fields, Eukemia
Türkkan, A. (2009). "Çocukluk çağı lösemileri ve elektromanyetik alan". Güncel Pediatri, 7(3), 137-141.