Dilsel anlam probleminin searlecü yaklaşım bağlamında performatif açıdan değerlendirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Günümüz felsefesinde dil, son derece aktüel bir konudur. Birçok felsefî akım, dil fenomenine, farklı açılardan yaklaşmaya çalışmıştır. Bu akımlardan birisi de Austin ve Searle’ün öncülüğünü yaptığı sözedimleri teorisidir. Sözedimleri teorisi, dilsel ifadelerin performatif niteliğine dikkatleri çeken edimsel yöntemi kendisine metot olarak seçmiş bir teoridir. Bu yaklaşıma göre dil, insanî bir davranış biçimidir. Dili kullanmak, özünde, dilsel davranışta bulunmaktır. Dil; toplumsal, kültürel, insanî hayatın kurucu öğesidir. Bu yönüyle dil, sosyal bir fenomendir. Dil, toplum içinde gerçekleşen toplumsal uzlaşımın bir ürünüdür. Dil fenomenine kullanım açısından yaklaşmak olumlu bir yaklaşımdır. Dilin kullanım merkezli ele alınması, mantıkçı pozitivistlerin katı, kusursuz, ideal, betimsel, olgusal karakterli dil anlayışının yerine, konuşan ve dinleyeni yani dili kullananları dikkate alan bir dil anlayışının kabulüdür. Bu çalışmada edimsel yöntemin dilsel anlamın analizinde performatif açıdan avantaj ve dezavantajları ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır.
Language in today’s philosophy is exceedingly a current topic. Most of the philosophic thoughts have tried to approach the language from different aspects. One of these thoughts whose pioneers are Austin and Searle is speech acts theory. Speech acts theory is a theory which draws attention to the performative qualities of the lingual expressions and chooses pragmatism as a method. According to this approach, language is a humanistic behaviour form. Using language is, substantially, making linguistic behaviour. Language; is constitutive component of the social, cultural, humanitarian life. In this respect, language is a social phenomenon. Language is the product of social consensus that occurred in the community. Approaching to the language phenomenon in terms of use is a positive approach. Taking language as use-centred is an acceptance of a language sense that considers speakers and listeners that means users instead of the language sense of logical positivists that has solid, perfect, ideal, descriptive, factual character. In this study in the analysis of the linguistic meaning of the pragmatic method by a performative aspect will be studied to reveal their advantages and disadvantages.
Language in today’s philosophy is exceedingly a current topic. Most of the philosophic thoughts have tried to approach the language from different aspects. One of these thoughts whose pioneers are Austin and Searle is speech acts theory. Speech acts theory is a theory which draws attention to the performative qualities of the lingual expressions and chooses pragmatism as a method. According to this approach, language is a humanistic behaviour form. Using language is, substantially, making linguistic behaviour. Language; is constitutive component of the social, cultural, humanitarian life. In this respect, language is a social phenomenon. Language is the product of social consensus that occurred in the community. Approaching to the language phenomenon in terms of use is a positive approach. Taking language as use-centred is an acceptance of a language sense that considers speakers and listeners that means users instead of the language sense of logical positivists that has solid, perfect, ideal, descriptive, factual character. In this study in the analysis of the linguistic meaning of the pragmatic method by a performative aspect will be studied to reveal their advantages and disadvantages.
Sözedimleri, Austin, Searle, Dil, Anlam, Speech acts, Language, Meaning
Ünlüsoy, A. (2014). "Dilsel anlam probleminin searlecü yaklaşım bağlamında performatif açıdan değerlendirilmesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 63-79.