Farklı balarısı (apis mellifera) ırk ve yöntemleri ile üretilen propolis örneklerinin reçine miktarları

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Propolis antibakteriyal, antifungal, antivirüs, anti-inflamatör, antiülser, antitümör ve anestezik etkiye sahip yapışkan bir maddedir. Birçok yararlı biyolojik aktivitesinden dolayı, doğal ilaç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışmada, farklı dönemlerde farklı balarısı (Apis mellifera) ırk ve propolis toplama yöntemleri ile üretilen propolis örneklerinin, biyolojik olarak aktif maddeleri içeren reçine miktarları tespit edilmiştir. Propolis örneklerinin içerdiği reçine miktarı %11.40–67.79 arasında değişmiştir. Farklı muamele gruplarındaki propolis örneklerinin içerdiği reçine miktarlarına uygulanan istatistiksel analizde ırkların, dönemlerin ve yöntemlerin birbirinden farkı önemli (p<0.05) bulunmuştur.
Propolis is a sticky material that has antibacterial, antifungal, antivirus, antiflamatuar, antiulcer, antitumor, anesteshic effects. It has been used as natural medicine because of many beneficial biological activities. In this study, propolis was produced by different methods and honeybee (Apis mellifera) subspecies in the different periods. Amount of resin in propolis, the biologically active component, was analyzed. Carniolan, Caucasian and Anatolian bee colonies were used. Propolis samples were harvested in the nectar flow (July) period and prior to wintering (from August to November) for 2001. Propolis was also harvested in three periods, including prior to nectar flow (from April to June), during nectar flow (July), and prior to wintering (from August to November) in 2002. Three different methods, plastic grid inner cover, wooden trap attached to front face and wooden trap attached to right side of the hive box were used for producing propolis. Propolis traps were replaced for each period. After harvesting, samples were transferred to deep-freeze. For analyses, samples were pulverized in a mortar and sifted. Then, samples were mixed with 96% solution (10 g propolis: 100 ml ethanol) and kept for a week, and then this solution was extracted by filtering from beeswax and other remains with Whatmann paper. After, extraction solution (resin + ethanol) was evaporated with vacuum pump at 40ºC, amount of resin was calculated. Amount of resin in the propolis samples varied from 11.40% to 67.79%. The greatest amount of resin in 2001 and 2002 was collected by Carniolan bees, using plastic grid inner cover (57.80%) during nectar flow and by Anatolian bees, using wooden traps attached to the front face of the hive (67.79%) prior to nectar flow. The lowest amount of resin for 2001 and 2002 was harvested from Caucasian bees, using wooden trap attached to front face (21.22%) prior to wintering, and by Anatolian bees, using plastic grid inner cover (11.40%) during nectar flow. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine differences among the periods, subspecies, and methods. There were differences across the sampling periods, subspecies groups, and methods of collection. Average amounts of resin in propolis for Caucasian, Carniolan and Anatolian bees were 3.537±0.317, 4.259±0.427 and 4.115±0.484 g, respectively. And for different methods; wooden trap attached to front face, wooden trap attached to right side and plastic grid inner cover the amounts were 4.288±0.493, 4.590±0.286 and 3.032±0.239 g, respectively.



Apis mellifera alt-türleri, Balarısı, Propolis, Reçine, Apis mellifera subspecies, Honeybee, propolis, Resin


Karlıdağ, S. K. ve Genç, F. (2007). ''Farklı balarısı (apis mellifera) ırk ve yöntemleri ile üretilen propolis örneklerinin reçine miktarları''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 7(2), 52-58.