Nöroblastomlu çocukların klinik özellikleri
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Giriş: Bu çalışmanın amacı nöroblastomlu (NBL) çocuklarda tanısal özelliklerin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastaların kayıtları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Yaş, başvuru yakınmaları ve süreleri, tümör yerleşimi ve evre belirlendi. Hemogram, laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH) ve VMA sonuçları kaydedildi. Veriler istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: NBL’lu 115 hastanın ortalama yaşı 2,57±2,49 yıl (sınırlar 0-12) olup %32’si bir yaşından, %89’u ise beş yaşından küçüktü. Hastaların %74,8’inde abdominal (%66’sı adrenal, %8,8’i adrenal dışı), %12’sinde paraspinal, %7’sinde mediastinal ve %3,5’inde pelvik kitle saptandı. Olguların %30,4’ünde evre 1 ve 2, %13’ünde evre 3, %46,1’inde evre 4 ve %10,4’ünde evre 4S hastalık belirlendi. Olguların %11’i klinik özellikler, sitolojik bulgular ve VMA ölçümü ile tanı aldı. VMA yüksekliği %83 oranında idi. Ortanca yakınma süresi 6,5 hafta olarak bulundu. En sık gözlenen yakınmalar solukluk, karın şişliği, karın ağrısı ve kemik ağrısı idi. Sonuç: NBL küçük çocukların tümörüdür. Primer yerleşime ve yaygınlığa göre klinik bulgular değişmektedir. Anemi, karın ağrısı ve kemik ağrıları uyarıcı bulgulardır.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic characteristics of children with neuroblastoma (NBL). Materials and Methods: Hospital records were reviewed retrospectively. Age, symptoms and their durations, tumor site, stage and results of complete blood count, LDH and VMA were recorded. Statistical comparisons and calculations were made. Results: The mean age at diagnosis was 2.57±2.49 yrs (ranges 0-12). Of children, 89% were under 5 years and 32% were below 1 year. The most common tumor sites were abdomen [74.8%; (adrenal 66%), (non-adrenal 8.8%)], paraspinal region (12%), chest (7%) and pelvis (3.5%). Most of the tumors were in advanced stage (stage 1 and 2= 30.4 %, stage 3 and 4=13% and 46,1% and stage 4S=10.4%). The diagnosis was made from bone marrow cytology and increased VMA in 11% of the cases. VMA level was high in 83% of the patients. Median duration of symptoms was 6.5 weeks. The most frequent complaints were pallor, abdominal mass, abdominal pain and bone pain. Conclusions: NBL mainly involves young children. Clinical presentation varies with primary tumor site and dissemination. Anemia, abdominal and bone pain have diagnostic significance.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic characteristics of children with neuroblastoma (NBL). Materials and Methods: Hospital records were reviewed retrospectively. Age, symptoms and their durations, tumor site, stage and results of complete blood count, LDH and VMA were recorded. Statistical comparisons and calculations were made. Results: The mean age at diagnosis was 2.57±2.49 yrs (ranges 0-12). Of children, 89% were under 5 years and 32% were below 1 year. The most common tumor sites were abdomen [74.8%; (adrenal 66%), (non-adrenal 8.8%)], paraspinal region (12%), chest (7%) and pelvis (3.5%). Most of the tumors were in advanced stage (stage 1 and 2= 30.4 %, stage 3 and 4=13% and 46,1% and stage 4S=10.4%). The diagnosis was made from bone marrow cytology and increased VMA in 11% of the cases. VMA level was high in 83% of the patients. Median duration of symptoms was 6.5 weeks. The most frequent complaints were pallor, abdominal mass, abdominal pain and bone pain. Conclusions: NBL mainly involves young children. Clinical presentation varies with primary tumor site and dissemination. Anemia, abdominal and bone pain have diagnostic significance.
Nöroblastom, Klinik özellikler, Metastaz, Neuroblastoma, Clinical presentation, Metastasis
Sevinir, B. vd. (2013). "Nöroblastomlu çocukların klinik özellikleri". Güncel Pediatri, 11(1), 6-12.