Prematüre retinopatisinde güncel tedaviler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Son yıllarda yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitelerinin yaygınlaşması ve yenidoğan bakımındaki gelişmelere paralel olarak tüm dünyada prematüre retinopati insidansında bir artış izlenmektedir. Bu durum taranması gereken prematür bebek sayısını ve tedavi edilmesi gereken göz sayısını arttırmaktadır. Bu derlemedeki amacımız prematüre retinopati tedavisindeki güncel yenilikleri değerlendirmektir. Tedavi alanında lazer ve kriyoterapiye alternatif veya birlikte uygulanabilen göz içine enjekte edilecek anti-anjiyojenik ilaçların kullanıma girmesi prematürite retinopatisinin tedavisinde yeni ufuklar açabilecektir.
Increased worldwide incidences of retinopathy of prematurity have been noted due to the recent devolepments in newborn care and increased availability of newborn intensive care units. Increased number of Newborn Intensive Care Units leads to survive of increased number of immature babies, therefore, there is an increased number of premature infants to be screened and eyes to be treated. The aim of this review is to evaluate the current improvements and treatment modalities in retinopathy of prematurity. Introduction of anti angiogenetic agents for intraocular injection with or alternative to laser photocoagulation and criotherapy for treatment may broaden our view in the management of retinopathy of prematurity.
Increased worldwide incidences of retinopathy of prematurity have been noted due to the recent devolepments in newborn care and increased availability of newborn intensive care units. Increased number of Newborn Intensive Care Units leads to survive of increased number of immature babies, therefore, there is an increased number of premature infants to be screened and eyes to be treated. The aim of this review is to evaluate the current improvements and treatment modalities in retinopathy of prematurity. Introduction of anti angiogenetic agents for intraocular injection with or alternative to laser photocoagulation and criotherapy for treatment may broaden our view in the management of retinopathy of prematurity.
Prematürite retinopatisi, Antianjiyojenik, Tedavi, Retinopathy of prematurity, Antiangiogenic, Treatment
Yıldız, M. ve Özmen, A. T. (2010). "Prematüre retinopatisinde güncel tedaviler". Güncel Pediatri, 8(2), 72-77.