ADAMTS ailesi ve anti-anjiogenetik ADAMTS1
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
ADAMTS’ler (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs) hem memelilerde hem de omurgasızlarda bulunan bir ekstrasellular proteaz ailesidir. ADAMTS ailesinin üyeleri, ADAM (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase) ailesi üyelerinden, çok sayıda kopyası bulunan thrombospondin 1 benzeri tekrarlar ile ayrılır. ADAMTS proteazlar agrekan, versikan ve brevikanı parçalama, prokollejenin ve von willebrand faktör işlenmesinde görev alır. Bağ doku organizasyonu, koagülasyon, inflamasyon, artrit, anjiyogenez ve hücre göçü gibi pek çok önemli role sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. ADAMTS’ler modular organizasyon, protein sekansı, gen sekansı ve substrat tercihinin korunmuşluğu ile gruplandırılırlar. ADAMTS1 ilk kez 1997 yılında kaşeksik kolon kanseri modelinde yüksek oranda ifade edilen bir gen olarak gösterilmiştir. Hem agrekanaz hemde anti-anjiyogenetik aktivitesi bulunan ADAMTS1’in çoğu patofizyolojik koşulda regülasyonunun bozulduğu bilinmektedir. Çok sayıdaki araştırmacı pek çok kanser tipinde ADAMTS1 ifade edilmesindeki düzenlenmenin bozulduğunu göstermiştir. Bu makalede ADAMTS ailesi ve ailenin ilk üyesi olan ADAMTS1’in kanserdeki rolünün nasıl aydınlatıldığı ve transkrispiyonel regülasyonu hakkında son bilgiler sunulacaktır.
ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a novel family of extracellular proteases found in both mammals and invertebrates. Members of the family may be distinguished from the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family members based on the multiple copies of thrombospondin 1-like repeats they carry. Known functions of ADAMTS proteases include processing of procollagens and von Willebrand factor as well as catabolism of aggrecan, versican and brevican. They have been demonstrated to have important roles in connective tissue organization, coagulation, inflammation, arthritis, angiogenesis and cell migration. ADAMTS can be grouped into distinct clades within which there is conservation of modular organization, protein sequence, gene structure and possibly, of substrate preference. ADAMTS1 is a new member of the ADAM family of genes, which has been identified in 1997 as a gene highly expressed in the cachexigenic murine colon 26 adeno carcinoma cells in vivo. It has been shown that the expression of ADAMTS1 that has both anti-angiogenetic and aggrecanese activity was disregulated in many pathophysiologic circumstances. The expression of ADAMTS1 has been down regulated in many cancer types. In this paper, ADAMTS gene family and how the role of ADAMTS1 gene in cancer will be presented.
ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a novel family of extracellular proteases found in both mammals and invertebrates. Members of the family may be distinguished from the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family members based on the multiple copies of thrombospondin 1-like repeats they carry. Known functions of ADAMTS proteases include processing of procollagens and von Willebrand factor as well as catabolism of aggrecan, versican and brevican. They have been demonstrated to have important roles in connective tissue organization, coagulation, inflammation, arthritis, angiogenesis and cell migration. ADAMTS can be grouped into distinct clades within which there is conservation of modular organization, protein sequence, gene structure and possibly, of substrate preference. ADAMTS1 is a new member of the ADAM family of genes, which has been identified in 1997 as a gene highly expressed in the cachexigenic murine colon 26 adeno carcinoma cells in vivo. It has been shown that the expression of ADAMTS1 that has both anti-angiogenetic and aggrecanese activity was disregulated in many pathophysiologic circumstances. The expression of ADAMTS1 has been down regulated in many cancer types. In this paper, ADAMTS gene family and how the role of ADAMTS1 gene in cancer will be presented.
ADAMTS, ADAMTS1, Kanser, Anjiyogenez, Sitokin, Cancer, Angiogenesis, Cytokine
Sunay, F. B. vd. (2012). "ADAMTS ailesi ve anti-anjiogenetik ADAMTS1". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 49-56.