Türkiye kırsalında yoksulluk sorunu: Çanakkale Kocalar köyü örneği
Bıçkı, Doğan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bugün çeşitli nedenlerle gençlerin terk ettiği köyler, günden güne üretim potansiyellerini, ekonomik ve sosyal canlılıklarını yitirmektedir. Özellikle merkeze uzak köylerde, eğitim imkanlarının yetersizliği dolayısıyla sosyal ve kültürel sermaye yönünden zayıf kalan bireylerin, göç sonrasında kentte kendilerine ancak güvenlik görevlisi, kasiyer, depo sorumlusu gibi pozisyonlarda yer bulabildikleri gözlenmektedir. Yazarın Çanakkale’nin Kocalar köyünde yürüttüğü araştırmada, bireylerin yoksulluğu dönüştürecek bilgi, beceri ve haber alma mekanizmalarına sahip olmadığı; kırsal yoksulluğun dönüştürülmesi amacıyla ihdas edilmiş olan teşvik ve destek programlarından yararlanamadığı belirlenmiştir. Bu saptamaya binaen çalışmada, aile hekimliğine benzer bir mekanizma ile adına “Kırsal Kalkınma Danışmanlığı” denebilecek bir müessesenin ihdas edilerek, üreticiye bireysel olarak toprak analizinden, hayvan yetiştiriciliğine, devletin üretim teşviklerinden destekleme alımlarına kadar geniş bir yelpazede yol gösterilmesi; ayrıca köylünün Tarım İl müdürlüğü, Kalkınma Ajansı ve gereğinde Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Vakıfları gibi ihtiyaç duyabileceği kamusal kurumlarla temasına aracılık edilerek kolaylaştırıcılık sağlanması önerilmektedir.
Villages that young population is leaving for several reasons are losing their production potentials, economic and social vivacity. In particular, it is observed in the villages that are distant from city centers that villagers who have migrated to cities work as security guards, cashiers and storehouse supervisors due to insufficient education, low-profile social and cultural background. In the study carried out in the Kocalar Village, Çanakkale, it was found out that individuals are not equipped with the knowledge, skill and mechanism to eliminate poverty and cannot avail of the incentives and subsidies to do so. By the virtue of this determination, it is suggested that “Rural Development Consultancy”, just like family practice, should be established, villagers should be guided in many issues ranging from soil test to stock raising, from state production incentives to subsidies and even to the carrier planning of their children. It is also suggested that villagers’ contact with such public bodies as provincial directorate of agriculture, development agency, and if need be, foundations of social help and solidarity should be facilitated.
Villages that young population is leaving for several reasons are losing their production potentials, economic and social vivacity. In particular, it is observed in the villages that are distant from city centers that villagers who have migrated to cities work as security guards, cashiers and storehouse supervisors due to insufficient education, low-profile social and cultural background. In the study carried out in the Kocalar Village, Çanakkale, it was found out that individuals are not equipped with the knowledge, skill and mechanism to eliminate poverty and cannot avail of the incentives and subsidies to do so. By the virtue of this determination, it is suggested that “Rural Development Consultancy”, just like family practice, should be established, villagers should be guided in many issues ranging from soil test to stock raising, from state production incentives to subsidies and even to the carrier planning of their children. It is also suggested that villagers’ contact with such public bodies as provincial directorate of agriculture, development agency, and if need be, foundations of social help and solidarity should be facilitated.
Kırsal yoksulluk, Göç, Kırsal kalkınma danışmanlığı, Rural poverty, Rural depopulation, Rural development consultancy
Bıçkı, D. (2011). " Türkiye kırsalında yoksulluk sorunu: Çanakkale Kocalar köyü örneği". Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(1), 161-180.