Dilthey, Heidegger ve Gadamer’de anlama sorunu
Becermen, Metin
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, tarih sorununa yöntemsel bir çabayla yaklaşan ve bu çaba bağlamında tarihi ve tinbilimlerinin konusunu anlamaya dayalı bir yöntemle açıklamaya çalışan Dilthey'ın; tinbilimlerinde anlamayı sadece bir yöntem olarak değil, bütün bir Varlık alanını kuşatan bir çaba olarak ele alan ve irdeleyen Heidegger'in; ve Heidegger'den hareketle, anlamayı ve buna bağlı olarak dil sorununu bütün felsefi çabanın temeline koyan Gadamer'in düşünceleri üzerinde durulmaktadır.
In this paper, I am to scrutinize the ideas of Dilthey, who tried to the problem of history with a methodological attempt and within this context tried to explain history and the subject human sciences with a method based on understanding; and of Heidegger, who held and inquire the understanding in human sciences not only as a method but also an attempt involving the whole sphere of Being; and also of Gadamer, who founded the understanding and, in relation to this, the problem of language on the whole philosophical attempt by departing from Heidegger.
In this paper, I am to scrutinize the ideas of Dilthey, who tried to the problem of history with a methodological attempt and within this context tried to explain history and the subject human sciences with a method based on understanding; and of Heidegger, who held and inquire the understanding in human sciences not only as a method but also an attempt involving the whole sphere of Being; and also of Gadamer, who founded the understanding and, in relation to this, the problem of language on the whole philosophical attempt by departing from Heidegger.
Anlama, Yaşam ifadeleri, Hermeneutik, Hermeneutik döngü, Ön-anlama, Ön-yargı, Varlık, Dil, Yorum, Ufukların kaynaşması, Understanding, Life-expressions, Hermeneutic, Hermeneutic circle, Pre-understanding, Pre-judgment, Being, Language, Interpretation, Fusion of horizons
Becermen, M. (2004). ''Dilthey, Heidegger ve Gadamer’de anlama sorunu''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(6), 35-66.