Varroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulaşık balarısı kolonilerinde ecostop® (thymol + menthol) ve perizin ® (coumaphos )’in etkisi

dc.contributor.authorÇakmak, Selvinar Seven
dc.contributor.buuauthorAydın, Levent
dc.contributor.buuauthorÇakmak, İbrahim
dc.contributor.departmentUludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentUludağ Üniversitesi/Mustafakemalpaşa Meslek Yüksek Okulu/Arıcılık Geliştirme ve Araştırma Merkez.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada, Bursa yöresinde Varroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulaşık balarısı kolonilerinde (polen tuzaklı kovanlarda) Ecostop (Thymol + Menthol) ve Perizin (Coumaphos)’in etkinliği araştırılmıştır. V.destructor ile olarak bulaşık 21 koloni yedişer koloniden oluşan 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Birinci grup Ecostop şerit, ikinci grup dökme (sprey) Perizin’le tedavi edilmiş, üçüncü grup ise tedavisiz kontrol bırakılmıştır. Tedavi sonrası Ecostop ve Perizin grubunda sırasıyla % 94.7 ve % 90.3 etki saptanmıştır. Kontrol grubunda ise canlı Varroa’lar tespit edilmiştir. Tedavi sonrası ilaçlardan kaynaklanan herhangi bir yan etki görülmemiştir.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractVarroa is one of the important parasites of honeybee Apis mellifera and a number of papers were published about it in the previous decades as Varroa jacobsoni. Varroa jacobsoni was first found on Apis cerena on Java island in 1904 and was thought to spread quickly to other continents (Delfinado 1963). After genetic and morphometric analysis, Varroa destructor was identified as a different species of Varroa, found on Apis mellifera (Anderson ve Trueman 2000) and Korean haplotype was determined as widespread and the most devastating (Zhang 2000). Varroa was first found in 1977 in Turkey (Temiz 1983) and different chemicals are still in use (fluvalinate, flumethrin, amitraz, coumaphos) against this parasite by beekeepers (Aydın ve Girişgin, 2003; Kumova, 2004). In recent years formic acid, lactic acid, oxalic acid, tyhmol and other essential oils, some plant materials have been used (Çakmak ve ark. 2002, Aydın ve Girişgin, 2003; Kumova, 2004, Çakmak ve ark. 2006). This study was carried out to compare the efficacy of Ecostop (Thymol+Menthol) and Perizin (Coumaphos) against Varroa destructor in naturally infested honeybee colonies (with full bottom pollen trap hives in 2004 November, 2005 March). Twentyone colonies were divided into three groups (each group containing 7 colonies). First, 200 bees from each colony was taken from outer frames to determine the level of Varroa mite infestation for each colony at the beginning and at the end of the study. Varroa mites were counted for each colony and groups were equalized for Varroa mite level. Group one was treated with Ecostop strip; group two was treated with Perizin spray. The third group was kept as control. Varroa mites were counted on day 1, 3, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 and 28 in polen drawers. For Ecostop group, 5615 Varroa mites were found in polen drawers in 28 days and 71% of the fallen mites were dead in 48 hours and 5100 Varroa mites were found in Perizin group in polen drawers and 64% of the fallen mites were found dead in pollen drawers. The efficacy of Ecostop and Perizin were determined by Henderson-Tilton method (Tutkun 1985) and the efficacy between different treatments were found significant by Chi square test (p<0.05). Ecostop (Thymol and Menthol) was found to be 94.7 % effective in fall and 89.6% in spring. No side effects were observed. In summary, Ecostop and Perizin were found to be effective at 94.7% and 90.3%, respectively, and high Varroa infestation was found in the control group.en_US
dc.identifier.citationAydın, L. vd. (2007). ''Varroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulaşık balarısı kolonilerinde ecostop® (thymol + menthol) ve perizin ® (coumaphos )’in etkisi''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 7(2), 59-62.tr_TR
dc.publisherUludağ Üniversitesitr_TR
dc.relation.journalUludağ Arıcılık Dergisi / Uludağ Bee Journaltr_TR
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergitr_TR
dc.subjectVarroa destructortr_TR
dc.subjectVarroa destructoren_US
dc.subjectHoney beeen_US
dc.titleVarroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulaşık balarısı kolonilerinde ecostop® (thymol + menthol) ve perizin ® (coumaphos )’in etkisitr_TR
dc.title.alternativeEfficacy of ecostop® (thymol+menthol) and perizin® (coumaphos) against varroa destructor found on naturally ınfested honeybee coloniesen_US


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