Multifonksiyonel hormon: Leptin
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Başlıca yağ dokusu tarafından sentezlenen ve salgılanan leptin, hipotalamus’daki spesifik reseptörlerine etki ederek enerji alımı ve enerji harcanması arasındaki dengeyi düzenleyerek bir tür antiobezite faktörü olarak fonksiyon görür. Üreme, hematopoez, gastrointestinal fonksiyonların düzenlenmesi, anjiyogenez, sempatik sinir sistemi aktivasyonunun düzenlenmesi, kemik yoğunluğunun belirlenmesi, termogenez ve beyin gelişimi gibi birçok fonksiyonunun da olduğu saptanan leptinin, sentez ve salgılanmasında birçok faktör rol oynar. Bu derlemede, literatür bilgisi ışığında leptinin genel özellikleri ve fonksiyonları tartışılacaktır.
Leptin, which is primarily synthesized and secreted by adipose tissue, functions as a type of anti-obesity factor by regulating the balance between energy uptake and consumption via the receptors in the hypothalamus. Numerous factors play a role in the synthesis and secretion of leptin. It has been reported that leptin has a number of functions in reproduction, hematopoiesis, regulation of gastrointestinal functions, angiogenesis, regulation of sympathic nerve system activation, determination of bone density, thermogenesis, and brain development. In this review, the general characteristics and functions of leptin will be discussed in the light of literature.
Leptin, which is primarily synthesized and secreted by adipose tissue, functions as a type of anti-obesity factor by regulating the balance between energy uptake and consumption via the receptors in the hypothalamus. Numerous factors play a role in the synthesis and secretion of leptin. It has been reported that leptin has a number of functions in reproduction, hematopoiesis, regulation of gastrointestinal functions, angiogenesis, regulation of sympathic nerve system activation, determination of bone density, thermogenesis, and brain development. In this review, the general characteristics and functions of leptin will be discussed in the light of literature.
Leptin, Hipotalamus, Obezite, Hypothalamus, Obesity
Aslan, K. vd. (2004). "Multifonksiyonel hormon: leptin". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 113-118.