İdeoloji ve mekân ilişkisi bağlamında Bursa tahayyülleri
Ulusoy, Can
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kent, aynı zamanda bu yapıları kapsayan bir kümedir. Fakat her küme gibi kapsadıklarının toplamı olmaktan başka tekil bir varoluşa da sahiptir. Özellikle tarihi kentler, kişilerin mekânlar ile kurdukları ilişki üzerinden kendi kimliklerinin köklerini bulabilecekleri hissi bağlar oluşturur. Böylelikle kentle kurulan seçmeci yakınlıklarda neyin seçilebileceği konusundaki çerçeveyi kentin kendi varoluşu belirler. Bu da her ideolojinin kendi söylemini destekleyen sembolik dünyası içinde mekânın salt anlamlandırılan değil, aynı zamanda bu anlam sürecine etki eden bir vasfı olduğunu aşikâr Kentler demografik, sosyal, ekonomik, siyasal ve kültürel yapıların uzam ve mekân üzerindeki karşılığıdır. Bu çalışmada farklı ideolojilerin Bursa tahayyülleri tartışılarak kentin bu vasfıyla beraber kendisinin de nasıl bir anlamlandırılma sürecinde olduğu ve bu süreçteki ilişki tartışılmıştır. Bu ilişkiyi açıklamada özel bir önemi olan mekân ve hafıza ilişkisi ve mekân duygusu birer anahtar kavram olarak kullanılmıştır.
Cities are demographic, social, economic, political and cultural structures in space and place. The city is also cluster that includes these structures at the same time. But like each cluster, it has an other singular existence than being the sum of their coverage. In particular, historical cities form sensual links that people can find the roots their identities through the relations that establish with places. Thus, the framework of what can be chosen in the selective effectiveness that established with the city determines its own existence. This clerifies that within the symbolic world of each ideology, which supports its own discourse, place is not merely meaningful, it has also a qualification that influences this process of meaning. Especially, these qualifications are more clear in historical cities like Bursa that takes shape of their faceses in the proceses of giving hundreds years. In this study, Bursa imaginations of different ideologues are discussed and how the city itself is in the process of give meaning together with this qualification and the relation in this process are discussed. The relation of place and memory and sense of place, which have a special significance to explane this relation, have been used as key concepts.
Cities are demographic, social, economic, political and cultural structures in space and place. The city is also cluster that includes these structures at the same time. But like each cluster, it has an other singular existence than being the sum of their coverage. In particular, historical cities form sensual links that people can find the roots their identities through the relations that establish with places. Thus, the framework of what can be chosen in the selective effectiveness that established with the city determines its own existence. This clerifies that within the symbolic world of each ideology, which supports its own discourse, place is not merely meaningful, it has also a qualification that influences this process of meaning. Especially, these qualifications are more clear in historical cities like Bursa that takes shape of their faceses in the proceses of giving hundreds years. In this study, Bursa imaginations of different ideologues are discussed and how the city itself is in the process of give meaning together with this qualification and the relation in this process are discussed. The relation of place and memory and sense of place, which have a special significance to explane this relation, have been used as key concepts.
Kent, Mekân, Mekân duygusu, İdeoloji, Bursa, City, Place, Sens of space, Ideology
Ulusoy, C. (2018). "İdeoloji ve mekân ilişkisi bağlamında Bursa tahayyülleri". International Journal of Social Inquiry, 11(2), 349-374.