Yaşlı travma olgularında mortaliteye etki eden faktörler ve skorlama sistemleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı yaşlı travma olgularında demografik ve klinik özellikleri saptamak, mortaliteye etki eden faktörleri ortaya koymak, travma skorlarının mortaliteyi tahmin etmedeki etkinliklerini karşılaştırmaktır. Acil servise 01/01/1996-31/07/2005 tarihleri arasında başvuran 65 yaş ve üstü 481 olgunun tıbbi kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Tüm olgular demografik özellikleri travma oluş şekli, yaralanma bölgeleri, prognoz, travma skorları (GKS [Glaskow Koma Skoru], RTS [Revize edilmiş Travma Skoru], ISS [Yaralanma Şiddet Skoru], TRISS [Travma Skoru-Yaralanma Şiddet Skoru]) ve mortalite açısından değerlendirilmişlerdir. Mortalite oranı %9.6 (46/481) olarak saptanmış ve ROC analizinde mortaliteyi en iyi tahmin eden faktör TRISS olarak belirlenmiştir. Araç içi trafik kazaları araç dışı trafik kazaları ve motorsiklet kazaları açısından ölen olgular ile yaşayan olgular arasında anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptanmıştır. Yaralanma bölgesi olarak kafa travması anlamlı olarak mortaliteyi etkilemiştir (P <0.001). Travma sıklığı açısından ekstremite travmaları birinci sırada, hemen ardından kafa travması ikinci sırayı almaktadır. TRISS ileri yaş travma olgularında mortaliteyi öngörme açısından diğer travma skorlarından daha etkili bulunmuştur.
The aim of this study is to determine the demographic and clinical features of the trauma in elderly patients, to describe the factors affecting mortality, and to compare the significance of the trauma scoring systems to evaluate the mortality rate. We had investigated the medical records of 481 patients, aged 65 and older, admitted to our emergency department between 01/01/1996-31/07/2005 retrospectively. All cases were evaluated according to demographic features, trauma presentation, injury sites, prognosis, trauma scores (GCS [Glascow Coma Score], RTS [Revised Trauma Score], ISS [Injury Severity Score], TRISS [Trauma Score-Injury Severity Score]), and mortality. The mortality rate was 9.6% (46/481). TRISS was determined as most significant factor affecting mortality according to ROC analysis. There was a significant difference between survivors and non-survivors with regard to the type of traffic accident, namely, vehicle-occupant, pedestrian, and motorbike accidents. The head injury influenced the mortality significantly (P < 0.001). The extremity trauma was the most frequent injury site while the head trauma was the second frequent one. TRISS was found to be more effective to predict mortality than other scoring systems.
The aim of this study is to determine the demographic and clinical features of the trauma in elderly patients, to describe the factors affecting mortality, and to compare the significance of the trauma scoring systems to evaluate the mortality rate. We had investigated the medical records of 481 patients, aged 65 and older, admitted to our emergency department between 01/01/1996-31/07/2005 retrospectively. All cases were evaluated according to demographic features, trauma presentation, injury sites, prognosis, trauma scores (GCS [Glascow Coma Score], RTS [Revised Trauma Score], ISS [Injury Severity Score], TRISS [Trauma Score-Injury Severity Score]), and mortality. The mortality rate was 9.6% (46/481). TRISS was determined as most significant factor affecting mortality according to ROC analysis. There was a significant difference between survivors and non-survivors with regard to the type of traffic accident, namely, vehicle-occupant, pedestrian, and motorbike accidents. The head injury influenced the mortality significantly (P < 0.001). The extremity trauma was the most frequent injury site while the head trauma was the second frequent one. TRISS was found to be more effective to predict mortality than other scoring systems.
Yaşlılık, Mortalite, Skor, Yaralanma şiddeti, Elderly, Mortality, Score, Injury severity
Güneytepe, Ü.İ. vd. (2008). “Yaşlı travma olgularında mortaliteye etki eden faktörler ve skorlama sistemleri”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 15-19.