İneklerde sakin kızgınlık ve gözlenemeyen östrusların tanı ve tedavisine yönelik çalışmalar
Kuzugüden, Fatih
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, Bursa ilinde bulunan üç adet damızlık sığır işletmesinde yapıldı. Çalışmada 40 adet Holstein ırkı doğumu takiben 50-60 gün geçmiş ancak hiç kızgınlık tespiti yapılmamış inek kullanıldı. Sunulan bu çalışmada suböstrus ve gözlenemeyen östrusun tedavisinde çift enjeksiyonlu PG F2 α, PRID-PMSG ve GnRH- PG F2α kombinasyonu yöntemlerinin östrusu uyarma üzerindeki etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. İşletmelerde bulunan ineklere 10 gün arayla rektal ve ultrasonografîk muayene yapıldı. Her iki muayenede de kan alınarak serum progesteron konsantrasyonu ölçüldü. Bu muayenelerin birinde veya her ikisinde ovaryumlarında corpus luteum bulunan ve yüksek progesteron konsantrasyonuna sahip, herhangi bir metritis bulgusu tespit edilmemiş ineklere gözlenemeyen östrus ve suböstrus tanısı koyularak 3 tedavi ve 1 kontrol grubuna rast gele ve eşit olarak dağıtıldı. Tedavi ve kontrol gruplarında aşağıdaki uygulamalar yapıldı. I. Grup : Bu gruptaki ineklere 1 1 gün arayla 25 mg dinoprost kas içi enjekte edildi. II. Grup : Bu gruba ayrılan 10 ineğe 12 gün boyunca intravaginal PRID (progesterone releasing intravaginal device) uygulandı. Uygulamanın bittiği gün 600 1.U PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotrophine) kas içi enjekte edildi IIL Grup : Bu gruba ayrılan 10 ineğe 1. gün 100 ug gonadorelin 7. gün 35 mg dinoprost ve 9.gün 100 ug gonadorelin kas içi enjekte edildi IV. Grup : Bu gruba ayrılan 10 ineğe herhangi bir uygulama yapılmadı. östrus hormonal uygulama yapılan gruplarda,uygulamaların bitimini izleyen 3 günlük ve kontrol grubunda ise ikinci muayeneyi takip eden 2 haftalık bir zaman süresince gözlendi Östrus gözlem periyodu sonunda gruplarda ineklerin sırasıyla : % 80,% 60, %20 ve % 40 'mm kızgınlık gösterdiği belirlendi Hormonal uygulamaları takip eden ilk 3 gün içerisinde kızgınlık gösteren inek oranının I. ve II. gruplarda diğer gruplara göre istatistiki açıdan önem taşıyacak düzeyde yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; suböstrus ve gözlenemeyen östrus teşhisi yapılmış laktasyondaki ineklerde 11 gün arayla PGF2α (prostaglandin F20) enjeksiyonu metodu ile PRID-PMSG kombinasyonu metodlarının östrusun dış belirtilerinin uyarılmasında daha etkili olarak kullanılabileceği tespit edildi Bulguların istatistiki analizi student's t testi yöntemine göre yapılmıştır.
This study was conducted on three different farms that are raising catties in the city of Bursa. Fourty Holstein cows which did not show any signs of estrus for 50 to 60 days postpartum were studied. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of three treatment regimens on stimulating estrus in cattle with subestrus and unobserved estrus. These three different treatment regimens were namely as follows; double PG F2α injections, combination of PRID and PMSG, combination of GnRH and PG F2α. At the beginning of the study, each cow was clinically examined twice. At first, rectal palpation and ultrasonographic examination were performed. Each examinations were repeated ten days later. Blood samples were taken during each examination and serum progesteron concentrations were detected. The cows which did not show any signs of metritis and had corpus luteum on one or two ovarium with high serum progesteron concentrations were accepted as silent (unobservable) estrus or subestrus. These cows were allocated randomly and equally in to three different treatment groups and one control group. Each group of cows were applied the following procedures. Group I: Cows in this group were administered 25 mg dinoprost intamuscularly in 1 1 day intervals. Group H: Cows in this group were applied intravaginal PRID for 12 days and at the end of the PRID application 600 IU PMSG was administered to each cow by Lm. route. Group III: On the first day, cows in this group were administered 100 ug gonadorelin, on day 7 each cow was administered 35 mg dinoprost and on day 9 each cow was administered 100 ug gonadorelin by Lm. route. Group IV: This group was the control group and the cows in this group were not administered any drugs. Estrus was observed 3 days after the last hormonal application in treatment groups. In control group, estrus was observed 2 weeks after the second examination of cows. At the end of the estrus observation period, the percentage of estrus observation was as follows, 80%, 60%, 20% and 40% for group I, II, III and IV, respectively. The number of estrus observance in group I and II was significantly higher than other groups. The results of this study suggest that administration of PGF2α or treatment with PRID-PMSG combination in 11 day intervals can be effectively used to stimulate estrus in cows with silent estrus and subestrus. In this study, student's t-test was used for statistical analysis.
This study was conducted on three different farms that are raising catties in the city of Bursa. Fourty Holstein cows which did not show any signs of estrus for 50 to 60 days postpartum were studied. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of three treatment regimens on stimulating estrus in cattle with subestrus and unobserved estrus. These three different treatment regimens were namely as follows; double PG F2α injections, combination of PRID and PMSG, combination of GnRH and PG F2α. At the beginning of the study, each cow was clinically examined twice. At first, rectal palpation and ultrasonographic examination were performed. Each examinations were repeated ten days later. Blood samples were taken during each examination and serum progesteron concentrations were detected. The cows which did not show any signs of metritis and had corpus luteum on one or two ovarium with high serum progesteron concentrations were accepted as silent (unobservable) estrus or subestrus. These cows were allocated randomly and equally in to three different treatment groups and one control group. Each group of cows were applied the following procedures. Group I: Cows in this group were administered 25 mg dinoprost intamuscularly in 1 1 day intervals. Group H: Cows in this group were applied intravaginal PRID for 12 days and at the end of the PRID application 600 IU PMSG was administered to each cow by Lm. route. Group III: On the first day, cows in this group were administered 100 ug gonadorelin, on day 7 each cow was administered 35 mg dinoprost and on day 9 each cow was administered 100 ug gonadorelin by Lm. route. Group IV: This group was the control group and the cows in this group were not administered any drugs. Estrus was observed 3 days after the last hormonal application in treatment groups. In control group, estrus was observed 2 weeks after the second examination of cows. At the end of the estrus observation period, the percentage of estrus observation was as follows, 80%, 60%, 20% and 40% for group I, II, III and IV, respectively. The number of estrus observance in group I and II was significantly higher than other groups. The results of this study suggest that administration of PGF2α or treatment with PRID-PMSG combination in 11 day intervals can be effectively used to stimulate estrus in cows with silent estrus and subestrus. In this study, student's t-test was used for statistical analysis.
İnek, Sakin kızgınlık, Teşhis, Tedavi, Cow, Silent hea, Diagnosis, Treatment
Kuzugüden, F. (2002). İneklerde sakin kızgınlık ve gözlenemeyen östrusların tanı ve tedavisine yönelik çalışmalar. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.