Süt çocukluğu döneminde barsak enzim aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi
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Giriş: Barsak enzim aktiviteleri barsak florasında yaşayan bakterilerin varlığını ve metabolik aktivitelerini yansıtan dolaylı belirteçlerdir. Çalışmanın amacı, dışkıda beta (β)-glukuronidaz, β-glukozidaz ve üreaz enzimlerinin aktivite düzeylerini 6 haftalık ve 8 aylık bebeklerde ölçmek ve düzeyleri etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 100 sağlıklı 6 haftalık bebekler dahil edildi. Tüm bebeklerden dışkı örneği alındı. Dışkı örneklerinin 17’si partikülsüz olduğu için değerlendirme dışı bırakıldı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen bebeklerin 35’inden 8. ayda ikinci dışkı örneği alındı. Bebeklerin 25’inin hem 6 haftalık hem de 8 aylık dışkı örnekleri vardı. Alınan dışkı örneklerinde üreaz, β-glukuronidaz ve β-glukozidaz enzim aktiviteleri (nmol/dk-1/mg-protein-1) ölçüldü. Bulgular: Tekrarlanan ölçümlerde üreaz ve β-glukuronidaz düzeyleri zaman içinde azalırken, β-glukozidaz düzeyleri artmaktaydı. Prematüre doğan bebeklerin 8. ay β-glukuronidaz enzim aktivitesi daha yüksekti. Anne sütünü ilk 1 saatte almaya başlayan ve biberon kullanan bebeklerde altıncı haftadaki üreaz aktivitesi daha düşüktü. Sadece anne sütü alma durumu barsak enzim aktivitesini etkilemedi. Sonuç: İntestinal enzim aktiviteleri süt çocukluğu döneminde yapılanma aşamasında olan mikrofloranın fonksiyonelliğini dolaylı olarak göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Bununla birlikte enzim aktivitelerinin yaşa bağlı olarak değişkenlik göstermesi nedeniyle düzeyini etkileyen faktörlerin tanımlanması güçleşmektedir.
Introduction: Intestinal enzyme activities are indirect indicators that reflect the existence and metabolic activity of bacteria living in the intestinal flora. The purpose of the study was to measure fecal beta (β)-glucuronidase, β-glucosidase and urease enzyme activities and to determine the factors that affect levels in 6 week old and 8 month old babies. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 100 healthy infants at 6 weeks of age. Feces samples were collected from all infants. However, 17 of the feces samples were not included due to the lack of particles in the feces. The same samples were also taken from 35 infants at 8 months of age. Twenty-five of the infants had given feces samples at both 6 weeks and 8 months of age. Urease, β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase enzyme activities (nmol/min-1/mg-protein-1) were measured. Results: In repeated measures, the levels of β-glucuronidase and urease declined over time and β-glucosidase levels increased. At 8 months of age, higher β-glucuronidase levels were obtained in premature infants. At 6 weeks of age, lower levels of urease were measured in babies who were started breastfeeding at the first hour of life and were bottle-fed. Exclusive breastfeeding had no influence on the intestinal enzyme activities. Conclusions: In early infancy period when microflora is structured, intestinal enzyme activities are important that show indirectly functionality of the microflora. However, it is difficult to highlight what affects the levels of intestinal enzymes because activities vary according to the age.
Introduction: Intestinal enzyme activities are indirect indicators that reflect the existence and metabolic activity of bacteria living in the intestinal flora. The purpose of the study was to measure fecal beta (β)-glucuronidase, β-glucosidase and urease enzyme activities and to determine the factors that affect levels in 6 week old and 8 month old babies. Materials and Methods: The study comprised 100 healthy infants at 6 weeks of age. Feces samples were collected from all infants. However, 17 of the feces samples were not included due to the lack of particles in the feces. The same samples were also taken from 35 infants at 8 months of age. Twenty-five of the infants had given feces samples at both 6 weeks and 8 months of age. Urease, β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase enzyme activities (nmol/min-1/mg-protein-1) were measured. Results: In repeated measures, the levels of β-glucuronidase and urease declined over time and β-glucosidase levels increased. At 8 months of age, higher β-glucuronidase levels were obtained in premature infants. At 6 weeks of age, lower levels of urease were measured in babies who were started breastfeeding at the first hour of life and were bottle-fed. Exclusive breastfeeding had no influence on the intestinal enzyme activities. Conclusions: In early infancy period when microflora is structured, intestinal enzyme activities are important that show indirectly functionality of the microflora. However, it is difficult to highlight what affects the levels of intestinal enzymes because activities vary according to the age.
Barsak enzim aktivitesi, Üreaz, Betaglukuronidaz, Beta-glukozidaz, Intestinal enzyme activity, Urease, Betaglucuronidase, Beta-glucosidase
Örün, E. vd. (2016). "Süt çocukluğu döneminde barsak enzim aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi". Güncel Pediatri, 14(1), 53-59.