Geçirilmiş akut romatizmal ateşe bağlı fibrinli perikardiyal efüzyon ve valvülit: Sıradışı klinik prezantasyon
Yılmaz, Osman
Kılıç, Ömer
Çiftel, Murat
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Akut romatizmal ateşin (ARA) sekeli olan romatizmal kalp hastalığı, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde çocuklar ve genç yetişkinlerde edinsel kalp hastalıklarının önemli bir nedenidir. Romatizmal kalp hastalığı olan hastalarda değişken derecede kapak hastalığı, kalp yetersizliği ve perikardit görülür. On iki yaşında kız hasta üç gün süren ateş, üç aydan beri olan halsizlik, çabuk yorulma ve göğüs ağrısı şikayetleriyle başvurdu. Ekokardiyografide sol ventrikül komşuluğunda fibrin birikimlerinin olduğu 24 mm genişliğinde perikardiyal efüzyon görüldü. Yaklaşık 3 ay önce ayak bileklerinde ve dizlerinde gezici tarzda, 1 hafta süren şişlik, kızarıklık ve ağrısı olduğu öğrenildi. Öyküye göre yaklaşık 3 ay önce ARA atağı geçirdiği düşünülen ve fibrinli perikardiyal efüzyon ile başvuran hasta, akut romatizmal ateşin sıradışı klinik prezantasyonu olması nedeniyle sunulmuştur.
Rheumatic heart disease, a sequela to acute rheumatic fever (ARF), is a major cause of acquired heart disease in children and young adults in developing countries. Valvular disease of variable severity, heart failure, and pericarditis has been observed in patients with rheumatic heart disease. A 12-year-old female patient presented with fever presented for 3 days, continuing for fatigue, exhaustion, and chest pain. Echocardiography revealed a pericardial effusion with a 24-mm-thick fibrin accumulation in the neighborhood of the left ventricle. Review of the patient’s medical history revealed that about 3 months earlier the patient had experienced migrating swelling, erythema, and pain of the ankles and knees that lasted for 1 week. Here, we present an ARF patient with an unusual clinical presentation who thought to have an attack of acute rheumatic fever 3 months earlier and was presented with fibrinous pericardial effusion.
Rheumatic heart disease, a sequela to acute rheumatic fever (ARF), is a major cause of acquired heart disease in children and young adults in developing countries. Valvular disease of variable severity, heart failure, and pericarditis has been observed in patients with rheumatic heart disease. A 12-year-old female patient presented with fever presented for 3 days, continuing for fatigue, exhaustion, and chest pain. Echocardiography revealed a pericardial effusion with a 24-mm-thick fibrin accumulation in the neighborhood of the left ventricle. Review of the patient’s medical history revealed that about 3 months earlier the patient had experienced migrating swelling, erythema, and pain of the ankles and knees that lasted for 1 week. Here, we present an ARF patient with an unusual clinical presentation who thought to have an attack of acute rheumatic fever 3 months earlier and was presented with fibrinous pericardial effusion.
Akut romatizmal ateş, Romatizmal kalp hastalığı, Perikardiyal efüzyon, Adölesan, Acute rheumatic fever, Rheumatic heart disease, Pericardial effusion, Adolescent
Yılmaz, O. vd. (2014). "Geçirilmiş akut romatizmal ateşe bağlı fibrinli perikardiyal efüzyon ve valvülit: Sıradışı klinik prezantasyon". Güncel Pediatri, 12(3), 179-182.