Düşük dereceli glial tümörlerde sağkalımı etkileyen faktörler ve Ki-67 proliferatif indeksinin prognostik öneminin izlenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Düşük dereceli gliomlar, daha yüksek dereceli bir tümöre dönüşme olasılığı olduğu bilinen heterojen bir neoplazi grubudur. Çeşitli proliferasyon belirteçleri, bu tümörlerin prognostik davranışını belirlemek amacıyla histopatologlar tarafından çalışılmaya başlanmıştır.Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Onkoloji - Radyasyon Onkolojisi Nöroşirürji Ana Bilim dallarında 2000 - 2012 yılları arasında düşük dereceli glial tümör tanısı ile takipli olan 38 olgu; yaş, cins, tümör histolojisi, derecesi, lokalizasyonu, cerrahinin kapsamı, immünohistokimyasal belirteçler (Ki-67) ve tedavi modalitelerinin sağkalım üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Hastalarımızın yaş ortalaması 40.32 ± 9.99 yıl olup; en küçük hasta 23, en büyük hasta 63 yaşındadır. Çalışmaya 20 kadın (% 52.6) ve 18 erkek (% 47.4) hasta alınmıştır. En sık görülen histopatolojik tip oligodendrogliomdur (% 73.7). Çalışmamızda hastalıksız sağkalım süresi ortalama 35.93 ± 5.16 ay ve genel sağkalım süresi ortalama 110.98 ± 9.08 ay bulunmuştur.Çalışmamızda yaş, Ki -67 proliferatif indeksi, hastanın kemoterapi yada radyoterapi alması hastalıksız sağkalım ve genel sağkalım süresini etkilememektedir. Total eksizyon yapılanlarda, kadın hastalarda ve oligodendrogliom histolojisinde sağkalım daha iyi görünmekle birlikte, fark istatistiksel anlamlılığa ulaşmamıştır.Lokalizasyonun genel sağkalım üzerine etkisi ise anlamlı bulunmuştur. Frontal lokalizasyonlu tümörü olanlarda sağ kalım 115.25 ± 7.42 ay iken; temporalde bu süre 47.50 ± 5.63 ay ve paryetal bölgede 33.75 ± 8.80 ay bulunmuştur (p: 0.014 ).
Low grade gliomas are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms that can progress malign gliomas. Various proliferation markers are increasingly being researched by histopathologists to determine the prognostic behavior of the brain tumorsThis retrospective study included 38 cases with the diagnosis of low grade glioma (WHO classification I and II ) were retrieved from the patient?s files. Cases had been followed by radiation oncology, neurosurgery and medical oncology of Uludag University Medicine Faculty between 2000 and 2012. Patients characteristics like age, sex, histology, grade and localization of tumors, treatment options, recurrences rates were recorded. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed using Ki -67 antibodies, p53, GFAP and others in paraffin sections. We aimed to see the effect this parameters on progression - free survival and overall survival.There were 20 female (% 52.6) and 18 male (% 47.4) with a mean age of 40.32 ± 9.99 years ( range: 23- 63). The most common histologic type was oligodendroglioma. The progression-free survival was 35.93 ± 5.16 months, and the overall survival was 110.98 ± 9.08 months.According to the results of our study the included clinicopathological features had no statictically significant effect on progression - free survival and overall survival, though numerically better survival rates were observed in patients with the following features: totally exicion, female sex, and oligodendroglioma histology. On the other hand, it was found that only the localization of the tumors had a significant relationship with survival rates. Patients with frontal tumors seemed to be better survival time compared to those with temporal and parietal tumors (115.25 ± 7.42 versus 47.50 ± 5.63 and 33.75 ± 8.80 months), respectively ( p: 0.014).
Low grade gliomas are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms that can progress malign gliomas. Various proliferation markers are increasingly being researched by histopathologists to determine the prognostic behavior of the brain tumorsThis retrospective study included 38 cases with the diagnosis of low grade glioma (WHO classification I and II ) were retrieved from the patient?s files. Cases had been followed by radiation oncology, neurosurgery and medical oncology of Uludag University Medicine Faculty between 2000 and 2012. Patients characteristics like age, sex, histology, grade and localization of tumors, treatment options, recurrences rates were recorded. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed using Ki -67 antibodies, p53, GFAP and others in paraffin sections. We aimed to see the effect this parameters on progression - free survival and overall survival.There were 20 female (% 52.6) and 18 male (% 47.4) with a mean age of 40.32 ± 9.99 years ( range: 23- 63). The most common histologic type was oligodendroglioma. The progression-free survival was 35.93 ± 5.16 months, and the overall survival was 110.98 ± 9.08 months.According to the results of our study the included clinicopathological features had no statictically significant effect on progression - free survival and overall survival, though numerically better survival rates were observed in patients with the following features: totally exicion, female sex, and oligodendroglioma histology. On the other hand, it was found that only the localization of the tumors had a significant relationship with survival rates. Patients with frontal tumors seemed to be better survival time compared to those with temporal and parietal tumors (115.25 ± 7.42 versus 47.50 ± 5.63 and 33.75 ± 8.80 months), respectively ( p: 0.014).
Glial tümörler, Prognostik faktörler, Ki - 67, Glial tumors, Prognostic factors, Ki- 67 antigen
Gökçen, P. (2012). Düşük dereceli glial tümörlerde sağkalımı etkileyen faktörler ve Ki-67 proliferatif indeksinin prognostik öneminin izlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.