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  • Publication
    Expression profile of prostaglandin enzymes in cystic endometrial hyperplasia in dogs: The results of a hypothesis in clinical trial
    (Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2023-01-30) Korlu, Yeşim; Yavaş, Özkan; Aktar, Ahmet; Bozkurt, Berkay; Özyiğit, Musa Özgür; Özalp, Gözde Rabia; Korlu, Yeşim; YAVAŞ, ÖZKAN; Aktar, Ahmet; ÖZYİĞİT, MUSA ÖZGÜR; ÖZALP, RABİA GÖZDE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Jinekoloji ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Döreme ve Suni Tohumlama Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2975-2594; AAE-3607-2019; KHD-4075-2024; CZR-5232-2022; CBC-1744-2022; HPY-3936-2023
    The expressions of prostaglandin synthesis enzymes and estrogen, progesterone receptors in canine cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH) were reported in this manuscript. Uterine tissue samples were collected from bitches with CEH (n=5), CEH-P (Cystic endometrial hyperplasia-Pyometra) (n=5) and healthy-negative control group, CG (n=5). Immunohistochemistry was carried out for the estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) detection. Shock-frozen samples were utilized in mRNA extraction and Real-Time PCR was performed. Gene expression of PTGS2/COX2, PTGES, PTGER4, PGFS, PTGFR and PGR were detected higher in the CEH group compared with CG. The PGFS and PTGFR (FP) mRNA expressions were significantly increased in CEH compared with other groups. Expression of progesterone receptor mRNA (PGR) was highest in CEH and statistically different from the CEH-P group (P<0.05). No PR immunostaining was observed. ER staining had been detected in endometrial glands, endometrial stoma and myometrium, however hyperplasic glands in propria mucosa had lower or no ER scores. Based on the results of this study, the high levels of prostaglandin enzymes and low ER scores in CEH could be a preliminary step for the next stages of severe differentiation of endometrium.
  • Publication
    Transfer learning enabled bearing fault detection methods based on image representations of single-dimensional signals
    (Springer, 2024-02-21) Deveci, Bilgin Umut; Çeltikoğlu, Mert; Albayrak, Özlem; Ünal, Perin; Kırcı, Pınar; Çeltikoğlu, Mert; KIRCI, PINAR; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü.; HXH-8622-2023; CZK-0182-2022
    Bearings are vital components in rotating machinery. Undetected bearing faults may result not only in financial loss, but also in the loss of lives. Hence, there exists an abundance of studies working on the early detection of bearing faults. The rising use of deep learning in recent years increased the number of imaging types/neural network architectures used for bearing fault classification, making it challenging to choose the most suitable 2-D imaging method and neural network. This study aims to address this challenge, by sharing the results of the training of eighteen imaging methods with four different networks using the same vibration data and training metrics. To further strengthen the results, the validation dataset size was taken as five times the training dataset size. The best results obtained is 99.89% accuracy by using Scattergram Filter Bank 1 as the image input, and ResNet-50 as the network for training. Prior to our work, Scattergram images have never been used for bearing fault classification. Ten out of 72 methods used in this work resulted in accuracies higher than 99.5%.
  • Publication
    The effect of BED value in the treatment of gynecologic Tumors
    (Kare, 2012-01-01) Demiröz, Candan; Tunç, Sema; Özkan, Lütfi; DEMİRÖZ ABAKAY, CANDAN; TUNÇ, SEMA; Özkan, Lütfi; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tip Fakültesi/Radyasyon Onkoloji Anabilim Dalı; JGQ-0357-2023; JGP-8674-2023; JGQ-9310-2023
  • Publication
    Macropenis in a toddler
    (Sage Publications Inc, 2023-03-15) Demiral, Meliha; Çelik, Fatih; Saraydaroğlu, Özlem; Sığ, Özlem Öz; Eren, Erdal; ÇELİK, FATİH; SARAYDAROĞLU, ÖZLEM; EREN, ERDAL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Endokrinolojisi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-1684-1053; JPK-3909-2023; JKN-9078-2023; DPZ-1981-2022
  • Publication
    Determination of hybrid potential of carrot germplasm
    (Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2019-01-01) Lokoğlu, N.; Gökce, A. F; İpek, A.; İPEK, AHMET; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi.; Gokce, AF
    The use of the seed of hybrid cultivars for carrot production in Turkey has reached to 90% and this hybrid carrot cultivar seed has been imported from abroad in Turkey, 2 t of seeds from open-pollinated cultivars and 18 t of seeds from hybrid cultivars were used for carrot production. While the seed of open-pollinated cultivars was sold for 150-200 TL kg(-1), the price of one kg of seed of hybrid cultivars was 7501,500 TL. Hybrid cultivars were preferred by producers due to the above mentioned reasons. The reasons why hybrid cultivars have been preferred for carrot production are high yield and uniform root size, shape, color and taste. In this research project, potential to convert open pollinated cultivars collected from Turkey and abroad to hybrid cultivars will be determined. Petalloid cytoplasmic male sterility has been preferred because it is easy to observe male sterility from the morphology of carrot flowers. Therefore, for hybrid seed production, maintainer lines have to be identified to propagate male sterile female parent. This Project began at 2013 in Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute. This is a project of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies.
  • Publication
    Reconstruction of periocular defects with rhomboid flap: Surgical results
    (Turkish Ophthalmological Soc, 2012-07-01) Dirim, Ayşe Burcu; Yazıcı, Bülent; Gündüz, Gamze Uçan; UÇAN GÜNDÜZ, GAMZE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göz Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-8889-1933; 0000-0002-5458-1686; AAA-5384-2020; AAH-6661-2021
    Purpose: To review the surgical results in patients who underwent an eyelid reconstruction with rhomboid flap after periorbital and medial canthal tumor excision.Material and Method: This study included 18 patients who underwent eyelid reconstruction with rhomboid flap after periorbital and medial canthal tumor excision. The patient charts were reviewed for topographic data, tumor features, surgical technique, and postoperative results.Results: The mean age of the patients (10 women, 8 men) was 58 years (age range: 22-78 years). The lesion was located in the inferior periorbital-malar area in 8 patients, in the medial canthal area in 8 patients and in the lateral periorbital area in 2 patients. Mean tumor diameter was 8.9 mm (range: 5-13.5 mm). Rhomboid flap was used alone in 14 patients (78%) and in combination with nazojugal advanced flap and semicircular flap in 2 patients (11%) each. The skin defect could be closed primarily in all patients, except one. A secondary surgical intervention was required for ectropion and pyogenic granuloma excision in 1 patient each. The aesthetic outcome was satisfactory in all patients. Mean follow-up time was 23 months (range: 2-64 months).Discussion: Rhomboid flap can be used for medial canthal and periorbital eyelid reconstruction after tumor excision. This flap technique can be combined with other reconstruction methods for large defects. After surgery, aesthetic and functional results are satisfactory in most patients, whereas surgical complications and need for a secondary surgery are rare.
  • Publication
    Was abu dharr al-ghifari "Exiled" to al-rabadha? A review on the relations between caliph 'Uthman and abu dharr al-ghifari
    (Bursa İlahiyat Vakfi, 2014-12-01) Hançabay, Halil İbrahim; Hançabay, Halil İbrahim; Uludağ Üniversitesi; AAS-7213-2020
    The period after the Prophet Muhammad is significant in many respects. In particular, the events that took place during the time of the third caliph 'Uthman, have a distinct importance because they had a profound impact on the future development of Islamic society. An important aspect of this period that affected political, religious, and social life during Islamic history was the relation between Caliph 'Uthman and Abu Dharr, which resulted in Abu Dharr going to al-Rabadha. There are significant differences in the narratives related to these events. In some accounts, Abu Dharr went to al-Rabadha on his own request, whereas in others, he was sent into exile by the Caliph 'Uthman because he protested his regime for corruption. This article aims to examine the relations between Caliph Uthman and Abu Dharr in three steps: Abu Dharr's leaving to Damascus; the events that occurred between Abu Dharr and Mu'awiya; Abu Dharr's coming back to Medina and then leaving (or being exiled) to al-Rabadha.
  • Publication
    Paroxysmal amnesia attacks due to hashimoto's encephalopathy
    (Hindawi Ltd, 2016-01-01) Şenol, Pelin Nar; BORA, İBRAHİM HAKKI; Demir, Aylin Bican; BİCAN DEMİR, AYLİN; Bora, İbrahim; BAKAR, HACI MUSTAFA; Bakar, Mustafa; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-6739-8605; JCE-6657-2023; V-7170-2017
    Hashimoto's encephalopathy is a rare disease which is thought to be autoimmune and steroid responsive. The syndrome is characterized by cognitive impairment, encephalopathy, psychiatric symptoms, and seizures associated with increased level of anti-thyroid antibodies. The exact pathophysiology underlying cerebral involvement is still lesser known. Although symptoms suggest a nonlesional encephalopathy inmost of the cases, sometimes the clinical appearance can be subtle and may not respond to immunosuppressants or immunomodulatory agents. Here we report a case who presented with drowsiness and amnestic complaints associated with paroxysmal electroencephalography (EEG) abnormalities which could be treated only with an antiepileptic drug.
  • Publication
    Mannose-binding lectin levels in late-onset sepsis in preterm infants: Results from a prospective study in a tertiary care center
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019-08-12) Doğan, Pelin; Özkan, Hilal; Köksal, Nilgün; Oral, Haluk Barbaros; Çelebi, Solmaz; Bağcı, Onur; Varal, İpek Güney; Doğan, Pelin; ÖZKAN, HİLAL; Köksal, Nilgün; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; ÇELEBİ, SOLMAZ; Bağcı, Onur; Varal, İpek Güney; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı/Neonatoloji Bilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İmmünoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı/Enfeksiyon Bilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-0463-6818; 0000-0002-3298-066X; AAI-5981-2020; K-7285-2012; AAG-8393-2021; KYP-5736-2024; CNZ-3688-2022; IGT-7005-2023; CZV-1969-2022; ENK-4130-2022
    Introduction: This study aimed to determine the association between serum mannose-binding lectin (MBL) levels, gene polymorphisms and late-onset sepsis (LOS) in preterm infants. Methods: Infants with <37 gestational weeks were categorized into two groups according to the presence of LOS during their hospitalization. An MBL level <700 ng/ml was defined as deficiency, MBL2 gene were analyzed. Results: Overall, 153 preterm infants were included. MBL deficiency was found to be more common in the LOS group (p = 0.02). The rate of Gram-negative sepsis was higher in MBL2 variant-type (p = 0.01). In the logistic regression analysis, MBL levels <700 ng/ml were found to have a significant effect on LOS development (odds ratio: 2.692, 95% confidence interval 1.196-5.8, p = 0.02). Conclusions: MBL deficiency is an important risk factor for the development of LOS. Furthermore, there is an association between MBL2 gene polymorphism and Gram-negative sepsis.
  • Publication
    Experimental and numerical investigation of the bond behavior of smooth and sand-coated rebar in concrete by flexural bond test method
    (Gazi Univ, 2023-01-29) Sakçalı, Gökhan Barış; Yüksel, İsa; Sağıroğlu, Serkan; SAĞIROĞLU, SERKAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0002-5176-9990
    Reinforced concrete behavior can be exhibited by the acting of steel rebar and concrete together. This situation produces full adherence acceptance of the steel rebars and concrete interface for use in simple empirical calculations. However, the bond-slip model may be important in more realistic and comprehensive models. This situation causes other factors that create adherence to come to the fore, due to the lack of mechanical clamping in smooth surfaced bars. For this reason, it is important to define the bond-slip models accurately to the numerical models when constructing the numerical model of this type of rebars. In this study, two flexural bond experimental test specimens reinforced with smooth surface steel bar and reinforced with sand coated steel bar were prepared. These two samples were tested comparatively in terms of load bearing capacity, vertical displacement capacity, slip and collapse mechanism. As a result of the investigations, boundary values have been proposed for the BPE model, which is also recommended by the CEB-FIP (2010) model, to be used in both smooth surface and sand-coated surface. In addition to these, numerical models with different embedment lengths were created in the light of experiments and proposed BPE models. It was concluded that the embedment length significantly affects the maximum load capacity in the numerical models created.
  • Publication
    Making use of poems to teach english
    (Journal Language Teaching & Learning, 2012-01-01) Tutunis, Birsen; Çetinavcı, Uğur Recep; ÇETİNAVCI, UĞUR RECEP; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi.; AAH-5036-2021
    This study was motivated by the fact that there is a tendency to see poetry as being remote from language teaching contexts. Thinking that this is partly because of the lack of training in teaching literature given to English language teacher trainees, an experimental group of 3(rd) year Uludag University English Language Teaching ( ELT) Department students taking the "Poetry Analysis and Teaching" course were taught about new poetry-centered techniques and activities compiled from the related literature and they were asked to design a lesson using them. The control group continued to take the course without any changes. At the end of the term, both groups were given a questionnaire on their attitudes towards the use of poetry in EFL and statistically significant differences were found between the groups showing that the experimental group favored poetry more strongly as a multi-purpose and multi-functional tool to teach a foreign language.
  • Publication
    Metformin relaxes rat thoracic aorta via nitric oxide, AMPK, potassium channels, and PKC
    (Mashhad Univ Med Sciences, 2023-09-01) Şahintürk, Serdar; ŞAHİNTÜRK, SERDAR; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Fizyoloji Anabilim Dalı; ACQ-9887-2022
    Objective(s): The present research aimed to identify the functional effects and underlying mechanisms of metformin on the rat thoracic aorta.Materials and Methods: Thoracic aorta segments of Wistar Albino rats were put in the chambers of an isolated tissue bath system. The resting tone was adjusted to 1 g. Following the equilibration time, potassium chloride or phenylephrine was used to contract the vascular segments. The vessel segments were cumulatively treated with metformin (10-7-10-3 M) when a steady contraction was achieved. The described experimental approach was repeated after incubations with signaling pathway inhibitors and selective blockers of potassium channels to identify the effect mechanisms of metformin.Results: Metformin had a potent vasorelaxant effect in a concentration-dependent way (P<0.001). After the endothelium was removed, the vasorelaxant effect level of metformin was significantly reduced. The level of vasorelaxant effect of metformin was increased by the maintenance of perivascular adipose tissue. Following administrations of L-NAME, methylene blue, compound C, BIM-I, and potassium channel blockers, the level of vasodilatory action of metformin was significantly reduced (P<0.001). Conclusion: According to the results of this investigation, metformin significantly relaxes the thoracic aorta segments of rats. Metformin-mediated vasorelaxation involves the activation of numerous subtypes of potassium channels, including BKCa, IKCa, Kv, Kir, and K2p channels, as well as endothelium-dependent processes, including AMPK and eNOS/NO/sGS signaling pathways. Moreover, metformin-induced vasorelaxation is mediated through PVAT activation and the PKC signaling pathway.
  • Publication
    The effect of medical complications on early graft function after kidney transplantation
    (Frontiers Media Sa, 2019-10-01) Düger, Hakan; Ersoy, Alparslan; Oruç, Ayşegül; Yıldız, Abdülmecit; Ünsal, Oktay; Akgür, Suat; Ersoy, Canan; Aydın, Mehmet Fethullah; Düger, Hakan; ERSOY, ALPARSLAN; ORUÇ, AYŞEGÜL; YILDIZ, ABDULMECİT; Ünsal, Oktay; AKGÜR, SUAT; ERSOY, CANAN; Aydın, Mehmet Fethullah; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nefroloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-5478-3192; 0000-0002-0342-9692; 0000-0002-5665-7402; AAJ-8220-2020; AAH-8861-2021; AAH-4002-2021; GPK-6118-2022; IZP-9361-2023; AAH-5054-2021; HIG-9032-2022; JJY-8484-2023; EJA-1761-2022
  • Publication
    The possibility of exclusion of nato from the european security and defence system: A legal view
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2006-03-01) Reçber, Kamuran; REÇBER, KAMURAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi/Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü; DOI-4239-2022
    Since its foundation, NATO has been playing a significant role in European security and defence system. Nevertheless, some West European States (especially France) strive to establish a security and defence system which is independent from NATO and solely particular to Europe. These efforts are carrying out especially in the context of EU. But when EU Foundation Treaty's regulations concerning the themes of foreign policy, security and defence are taken into account, it's hardly to say that there is a full compromise among the Member States of EU. As a matter of fact, some EU Member States aim to protect their special positions in the related regulations of the EU Foundation Treaty and in the Protocols or Declarations adopted additionally to the Treaty. In this context, some West European States called as the supporters of NATO, consider that exclusion of NATO from the European security and defence system, isn't favourable for their interests. In this study, by taking into account these views, NATO's role assumed in the European security and defence system, and the subject of whether this role will be carried out or not in the future will be examined especially by regarding EU Foundation Treaty's relevant regulations.
  • Publication
    Higher education and teacher training character education
    (Deomed Publ, Istanbul, 2012-04-01) Erakkuş, Özgür; Erakkuş, Özgür; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitü/Felsefe Din Bilimleri Bölümü; EUP-0144-2022
  • Publication
    Comparison of the effect of ketamine and dexmedetomidine combined with total intravenous anesthesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures: A prospective randomized controlled study
    (Wiley-Hindawi, 2022-07-21) Mercanoğlu, E. Efe; Kelebek, N. Girgin; Türker, G.; Aksu, H.; Özgür, M.; Karakuzu, Z.; Türkcan, S.; Özcan, B.; Mercanoğlu, E. Efe; KELEBEK GİRGİN, NERMİN; Türker, Gürkan; AKSU, HATİCE; Özgür, Mustafa; Karakuzu, Ziyaattin; Türkcan, Silvan; ÖZCAN, BERNA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-3019-581X; 0000-0002-4887-1337; HMB-2721-2023; GPI-3488-2022; GPJ-5113-2022; AAI-6642-2021; AAO-7943-2020; CWS-8838-2022; ECZ-5632-2022; DLZ-8568-2022
    This randomized prospective clinical study aimed to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine or ketamine administration to total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) on postoperative analgesia in subjects undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures. 90 adults, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status 1 and II patients, who underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures were included in the study and randomized into three groups equally. Remifentanil, propofol, and rocuronium infusions were used for TIVA guided by the bispectral index. In group KETA, 10 mu g/kg/min ketamine was added to TIVA before surgery, and in group DEX, 0.5 mu g/kg/h dexmedetomidine was added to TIVA before surgery. Normal saline infusions were infused in the control group. Postoperative analgesia was provided with intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) morphine (1 mg bolus morphine, 5 min lockout time). Hemodynamic parameters, scores of visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain, rescue morphine requirements, and side effects such as sedation, nausea, and vomiting were recorded for 48 hours after surgery. Postoperative first analgesic requirement time was longer in group KETA (P < 0.001), and it was longer in group DEX than in the control group (P < 0.001). Pain scores were lower in group KETA and group DEX than in the control group at all corresponding times throughout the 48 h period of observation. Intravenous PCA morphine consumptions were higher in the control group than in group KETA (P < 0.001 for all followed-up times), and they were higher in group DEX than in group KETA (P < 0.001 for all followed-up times). It is concluded that the use of dexmedetomidine or ketamine infusions can be suitable as an additive for TIVA in the intraoperative period. Furthermore, the addition of both drugs to the TIVA protocol may improve postoperative pain relief and decrease opioid consumption.
  • Publication
    On normal almost paracontactmetric manifolds of dimension 3
    (Univ Nis, 2015-01-01) Erken, İ. Küpeli; Erken, İ. Küpeli; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Matematik Bölümü; ETS-4402-2022
    In this study, we make the first contribution to investigating conditions under which normal almost paracontact metric manifold of dimension 3 has cyclic parallel Ricci tensor,eta-parallel Ricci tensor, Ricci-semisymmetry and locally. (phi) over bar -symmetry. In the end an example of a 3-dimensional normal almost paracontact metric manifold which is locally. (phi) over bar -symmetric and has cyclic parallel Ricci tensor is presented.
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    Political parties, the political system and Turkey
    (Seta Vakfı, 2016-09-01) Sarıbay, Ali Yaşar; SARIBAY, ALİ YAŞAR; Uludağ Üniversitesi; FUW-5509-2022
    Even though they are not the sole forms of organization in a democratic system, political parties constitute the most effective bodies of people's will. A large volume of empirical research has been conducted for a concrete clarification of the cyclical relationship between the types of election system, political party system and political system. This paper aims to examine this relationship by focusing on different states, with a special focus on Turkey. It is argued that the more democratic a political system is, the more democratically political parties will have to function, and that the higher the eagerness of political parties to function democratically, the more the democratic capacity of a political system will expand.
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    An alternative to VATS where VATS is not available
    (Springer India, 2023-01-11) Yentürk, Eylem; Bayram, Ahmet Sami; Sevinç, Tolga Evrim; Melek, Hüseyin; Özer, Erhan; Gebitekin, Cengiz; YENTÜRK, EYLEM; BAYRAM, AHMET SAMİ; SEVİNÇ, TOLGA EVRİM; MELEK, HÜSEYİN; ÖZER, ERHAN; GEBİTEKİN, CENGİZ; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-9626-3600; 0000-0003-0684-0900; JCE-0097-2023; ABB-7580-2020; JRQ-2508-2023; JHZ-6813-2023; HNE-9801-2023; JKB-7387-2023
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    Validity of jurisdiction agreements under brussel I bis regulation
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2017-01-01) Özgenç, Zeynep; ÖZGENÇ, ZEYNEP; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Hukuk Fakültesi/Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Anabilim Dalı Öğretmenliği; FTH-7474-2022
    Brussels I bis Regulation (EU) no 1215/2012, entered into force in January 2015, made significant significant amendments in order to improve the efficacy of jurisdiction agreements on Brussels I Regulation. With this amendments, it is aimed to harmonise with La Haye Convention on Choice of Court Agreement. For that purpose, residence clause of parties has been removed for implementing of article 25 of the Brussel I bis Regulation. Beside, this article regulates that court or courts shall have jurisdiction, unless jurisdiction agreements are null and void as to its substantive validity under the law of that Member State including choice of law rules thereof. Hereby, the object of this article is to examine the validity of jurisdiction agreements in accordance with the Court of Justice of The European Union, within the scope of The Recast Brussels I Regulation.