1988 Cilt 7 Sayı 1-2-3

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/31984



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    Sığırlarda perikarditis ve myokarditis traumatika'nın ayırıcı tanısında sgot ve ldh enzim düzeylerinin önemi üzerine deneysel araştırmalar (I)
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Batmaz, Hasan; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, the significance of SGOT and LDH enzyme levels in the differential diagnosis of traumatic pericarditis and myocarditis in the cattle were investigated. For this purpose, SGOT was determined by modified "Reitman-Frankel" method and LDH by modified "Cabaud-Wroblewski" method in plasma of 8 cattle which are suspected to have traumatic pericarditis and 12 clinically normal cattle. The degenerations were examined on the pericards and myocards of the animals which were sent to slaughter. It was determined that in the cases of traumatic pericarditis SGOT was 111.75 ± 12.73 U/ml. and LDH was 3100 ± 32.46 U/ml. respectively, and in the cases of traumatic myocarditis the former was 170.25 ± 14.50 U/ ml. and the latter was 5310 ± 352.27 U/ml. As a conclusion, it was observed that SGOT and LDH might be significant in the differential diagnosis of pericarditis and myocarditis.
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    Sığırlarda perikarditis ve myokarditis traumatika'nın ayırıcı tanısında serum protein elektroforezinin önemi üzerine deneysel araştırmalar (II)
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Batmaz, Hasan; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this research, it was investigated whether there was any significance of serum protein electrophoresis in the differential diagnosis of traumatic pericarditis and myocarditis in cattle. The amount of total protein was determined by the biüre method and serum protein electrophoresis by the cellulose acetate method in the serum of the animals which came to our clinic and clinically normal cattle. The degenerutions were examined on the pericards and myocards of the 8 animals having traumatic pericarditis-myocarditis which were sent to slaughter. As a conclusion, it was observed that serum protein electrophoresis was not significant in the differential diagnosis of pericarditis and myocarditis.
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    Bursa yöresinde içme, kuyu ve deniz sularının mikrobiyolojik kirliliği üzerinde bir araştırma
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Yücel, Ahmet; Kurdal, Ekrem; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi.
    The microbiologic pollution of the drinking, well and sea waters were investigated between January-June 1988 in Bursa. Results of the research showed that, Coliform bacteria have been determined 14.6 % (280) of the 1914 water samples. Coliform bacteria have been found 11.7% (181) of drinking water, 11.6 % (10) of spring water, 31.7 % (78) of well and 30.5 5 (11) of sea water of the 280 positive samples respectively.Results of the completion and correctness tests E. coli I (44°C) have been attached 59.6 % (167) of the 280th water samples. Dispersed of the E. coli I (44°C) in 167 water samples were, 55.8 % (101) of drinking water, 80.7% (63) of well and 27.2 % (3) of sea waters respectively. E. coli I (44°C) were not determined in spring water samples. According to the results, drinking, well and sea waters were polluted microbiologically in Bursa and also these waters polluted with human reservoirs were achieved. Therefore, suitable measures must be taken immediately.
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    Normal ve aflatoksin verilmiş piliçlerde hematolojik araştırmalar
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Yaman, Kemalettin; Yakışık, Mine; Cengiz, Fahrünisa; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, the effect of Aflatoxin B1 on some blood parameters in young chicks was investigated. Blood samples taken from 30 chicks were used as a research material. Animals were divided into two equal groups (control and test). Chicks in test group received aflatoxin B1 (5 microgram/chick/day) with drinking water for two months. The results obtained in control and test groups were 26-24.8 %for hematocrit, 2.21-1.97x106 /mm3 for red blood cell count, 21.41-18.19x103 /mm3 for white blood cell count and 57.25-63.08, 86.00-92.83,138.66-142.58 mm for sedimentation rate tested in 1, 2, 24 hours respectively.
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    Yerli kara keçi ve bazı yerli koyun ırklarında Musculus subclavius üzerine araştırmalar
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Bahadır, Ali; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, five merino, seven kıvırcık, four akkaraman, four dağlıç sheep and six goats were examined. The Musculus subclavius was present in all animals but it was better developed in goats.
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    Antelmintik uygulanmış merinos koyunlarında bazı hematolojik bulgular
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Yaman, Kemalettin; Tınar, Recep; Cengiz, Fahrünisa; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study 45 Merino ewes, naturally infected with Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Fasciola spp., Paramphistomum spp., and gastro-intestinal nematodes were used. At the beginning of the study fecal egg counts were made in order to state the severity of helmint infection then the animals were homogenously divided into three equal groups. The first group was kept as a control, second group received Vermadax (50 ml/kg thiophanate + 5.6 mg/kg brotianide) and third group received Nilzan (15 mg/kg tetramisole + -15 mg/kg oxyclozanide) orally. At the beginning and in the end of the study, blood samples of the groups taken into EDTA containing tubes were tested and following values; 8.58-8.88, 8.77-9.20, 9.17-9.41 g/100 ml for hemoglobin, 29.57-28.71, 31.14-30.42, 31.85- 30.85, per cent for hematocrit; 8.31-8.56, 8.23-9.03, 8.36-8.76x106/mm3 for red blood cell counts; 9.55-9.94, 8.72-12.24, 8.30-10.05x103/mm3 for white blood cell counts; 735-581, 469-516, 372-435/mm3 for eosinophil counts; 18.57-19.28, 18.00-17.71, 18.85-17.85, 35.57-37.85,35.71-34.42,35.57-35.14, 120.57,115.28, 114.85 mm for sedimentation rates tested for 1, 2 and 24 hours were obtained respectively. It was concluded that, Vermadax and Nilzan were highly effective on helmin ts but made no important change in blood parameters.
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    Sığırlarda tırnak bakımı ve ayak hastalıkları sebep ve sonuç ilişkileri̇
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Görgül, O. Sacit; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    Between 1983-1986, 105 cattle (Holstein 73, Swiss Braun 26, Jersey 1, Nature breed 2 and cross breed 3) were referred in the Department of Surgery of the Veterinary Faculty. Purposes of this study was investigate and classified of the digital deformities and digital diseases. Also, the role of hoof care and hoof trimming (Chiropody) in the etiology of the digital diseases were investigate. Digital deformities and diseases were found totally 175 claws (at the front 8 and hind 167) (in lateral 135, medial 32). In the 85 claws were seen only digital deformities. However, in the 90 claws were observed deformities and different digital diseases due to occur deformities. These disorders were much more observed in the hind claws than front. Classification of the deformities and diseases as follows: Splay toes in 10 (6 %) and due to occur Limax 4 (4.4 %), owergrown claw in 48 (28.7 %) and due to occur bruised sole and bulb 15 (16.7 %), osteonecrose of the 111. Phalanx (caries) 3 (3.3 %), pododermatitis aseptica circumscripta 7 (7.B %), Splay toes and doppel sole in 41 (24.5 %), and due to occur bruised bulb, heel erosion 11 (12.2 %), sole ulcer (Rusterholz's syndrom) 4 (4.4 %), white line disease 8 (8.9 %), Corkscrew claw in 34 (20.4 %) and due to occur pododermatitis purulenta 7 (7.8 %), traumatic wall ulcer 10 (11.1 %), necrosis of the M. flex. dig. prof. 5 (5.6 %), supf, sole ulcer 8 (8.9 %), scissor claw in 34 (20.4 %) and due to occur osteonecrosis of 111.Phalanx (rories) 2 (2.2 %), traumatic wall ulcer 6 (6.7 %). In the 90 (54 %) from totally 167 claws in the hind limb (lateral and medial) were found different diseases. As a conclusion, our study has shown that there was a important role of the digital deformities and hoof care in the etiology of digital diseases.
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    Kangal çoban köpeğinde bilateral entropion olgusu
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Görgül, O. Sacit; Seyrek, Deniz; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    Bilaterally conjunctivitis, epiphora, erythema and excoriatio round of the eyelids and entropion on the lower eyelids has been observed on the one year old Kangal nativ sheepdog (Karabaş). All of these clinical findings has been observed by his owner in the first month its life. The dog has been treated with topikal medical theraphy due to these findings. But hasn't been taken succesfully result. Thereupon, "Pinch" operation technique was performed and the dog was treated operativelly and succesfully result has been achived.
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    İneklerde çeşitli hormonlarla yapılan süperovulasyon çalışmaları
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Ünal, E. Fatih; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    FSH, PMSG and Syncromate-B (SMB) with PMSG were used the treatment of 12 Simmental cattle for superovulation. Better responses were obtained when FSH, rather than PMSG, was used regardless of whether they were administered alone of combined with SMB. The use of PMSG + SMB significantly decreased the number of corpus luteum present at the time of embryo collection 7 days after insemination, as compared with other treatment regimens. Consequently, a significant lower number of ova was found in those animals treated with PMSG + SMB. As a result of that, the use of SMB combined either with PMSG or FSH resulted in poorer responses than when either gonadotrophin was used alone.
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    Bir inekte rastlanan acroteriasis congenita vakası
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Ünal, E. Fatih; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    We observed an acroteriasis syndrom in a calf after dystocia cases.
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    Musculus adductor ve musculus graci̇li̇s'i̇n sığır karkaslarında cinsiyet tayininde kullanılması
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Bahadır, Ali; Şen, M. K. Cem; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study adductor and gracilis muscles of 46 male and 42 female cattle were examined. The sections were made one or two centimeters away the pelvic synphysis; to show the cut surfaces of the muscles. ln females the cut surface of the adductor muscle was bean or wide-crescent shaped. In males the same surfaces was almost triangular in shape. But these criteria were not enough to identify correctly the help of the other sex identifing specialities. However, the cut surface of gracilis muscle was not even observable in must cases.
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    Sığırların dengesiz ve düzensiz rasyonlarla semirtilmesi sırasında oluşan urolithiasis konusunda klinikopatolojik çalışma
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Mert, Nihat; Tanrıverdi, Meltem; Sönmez, Gürsel; Ertürk, Erdoğan; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    A sum of 25 young bulls (25 test end 8 controls) feeding on imbalanced ration (1,5 kg wheat Straw, 8 kg wheat bran perday) and 8 control animals from Uludağ University 's Veterinary Educational and Research Farm were comparitively studied. Test group animals were belonged to a public feeding unit (feed fot) located in a village nearby a large city where the university is trying to help and educate surrounding farmers. The imbalanced feeding was conducted in the villager's own barns, under usual conditions and lasted 4 months. Urolithiasis was detected macroscopically in 13 of 25 bulls. Urinary stones were multiple and varied in size, shape, color and weights. Blood urea, uric acid and total proteins together with the complete urine analysis were carried out and the differences between test and control animals were statistically significant (Total protein p < 0.001, urea and uric acid p < 0.05). Histopathological examination of kidneys of urolithiasis observed bulls demonstrated some urinary stones in the pelvis and subacute to chronic glomerulonephritis in their renal cortex.
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    Yerli koyun ve kıl keçisi parmak eklemleri bağları Bölüm II: Articulatio interphalangea proximalis ve distalis
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Bahadır, Ali; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study front and hindfeet from 25 sheep and 25 goat were dissected. The ligaments observed were carring the same features in both species as below. In the proximal interphalangeal joint: The collateral ligaments, in each side, consist of a short and a long ones. The short one belongs only to proximal interphalangeal joint but long one is common for proximal and distal interphalangeal joints. The palmar ligaments consist of axial, palmar and abaxial ones. In the distal interphalangea l joint: Distal interdigital ligament connects the distal sesamoid bones of III. and IV. digits to each other. The collateral ligaments unite the second and third phalanx axially and abaxially. The collateral sesamoidan ligaments connect the distal sesamoid bone to the second phalanx. The distal sesamoidean ligaments connect the distal sesamoid bone to the third phalanx. The dorsal elastic ligament unites second and third phalanx to each other. In addition, there was no significant differences between the hind and frontfeet of animals examined.
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    Yerli koyun ve kıl keçisi parmak eklemleri bağları Bölüm I: Articulatio metacarpophalangea
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Bahadır, Ali; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study front and hind feet from 25 sheep and 25 goat were dissected. Interdigital ligament was absent in the metacarpo phalangeal joint in both species. The other ligaments observed were carrying the same features in both species as below. The axial and abaxial collateral ligaments unit the first phalanx to metacarpus.The interdigital intersesamoidean ligament and the palmar ligaments unite proximal sesamoid bones to each other. The axial and abaxial collateral sesamoidean ligaments, the cruciate sesamaidean ligaments, the oblique sesamoidean ligaments and the interdigital phalangosesamoidean ligaments connect the proximal sesamoid bones to the first phalanges. lt's of interest to point out that the interdigital phalangosesamoidean ligament were not cross each other contrary to some literatur data. Distal limbs of the interosseus medius muscle connect the proximal sesamoid bones to metacarpus. In addition, there was no significant differences between the front and hind feet of animals examined.
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    Salamura beyaz peynirlerde olgunlaşma sırasında görülen mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal değişiklikler
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Berker, Aşkın; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, during the 90 days of ripening period, the microbiological and chemical changes occurred in white cheeses prepared under practical conditions were investigated microbiological and chemical analysis were made on the samples taken on 1, 7, 15, 30, 90 th days of ripening period. The counts for total microorganism were found to be decreased from 1.8x10⁸ to 1x10⁷ germs/g, for coliforms from 1.6x10⁷ to 4x10⁵ germs/g during the 90 days of ripening. During the same period the counts of fungus did not change markedly (5.7x10³ - 5x10³). The range of pH changed from 5.1 to 4.9. The amount of ıalt and fat was determined as 4.25%- 4.31 % and 20 % - 20.68 % respectively. Acidity changed from 0.59% to 0.88 %. Relative humidity was determined as 54.33 % - 54.92. Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella species was not isolated from any of the samples examined.
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    Besi danalarında ortalama karkas ve parça et verimi üzerinde araştırmalar
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Berker, Aşkın; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, the average body weights, skin, bone weight percentages and the loses due to freezing, the total loses, boneless meat, visceral organs and the meat percentages obtained from 34 fattening calves belonging to our pilot fattening unit of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Uludağ University, and were scientifically and statistically evaluated by us at the Department of Food Hygen and Technology of the same faculty. They were slaughtered at the Meat Plant of the Meat and Fish Processing Center in Bursa, and were cooled and cut into desired pieces for marketing. The average body weights of carcasses was 305.47 kg, the bone weights 54.2 kg., the whole skin weight was 46.5 kg, the freezing lose was 1.39 %, the bone proportion over the slaughtering weights 18.36 %, the boneless meat performance 43.70 %, the proportion of visceral organ weight over the body weight 34.24 %, and the sum of the processing loses was 3.07 %. The percentages of products like ground meat, cube cuts, steak, rosto, weal chups, contrfilet and file mignon were 36.66, 16.66, 11.26, 1.35, 2.61, 2.25 and 1.62 percent respectively.
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    Yerli kıl keçi̇si̇nde sinus interdigitali̇s'in (sinus biflexe) morfolojisi
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Bahadır, Ali; Yakışık, Mine; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    In this study, 152 native hair goat were examined. lt was observed that interdigital sinuses were present in forelimbs of 51 goats. Sinus was rudimentary and not developed as well as in the sheep. Sinus was a channel that elongated 2-3 mm and terminated in a small lenticular mass. In cross sections, small hairy structures were noticeable even with naked eye. Histologic appearance was resembling sheep' interdigital sinus and inside was lined up with stratified squamous epithelium. Hair folicles and sebaceous glands were present in the reticular portion of dermis. Sweat glands were grouped and located in deeper parts of sinus.
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    Farelerde oluşturulan i̇mmunosuppresi̇f etki̇ ile kanlarındaki vitamin A ve Beta-karoten düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiler üzeri̇nde bir araştırma
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Mert, Nihat; Kahraman, Mustafa; Oğan, Canan; Şeker, Ayşin; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı.
    Eighty white mice were divided equally into 4 groups. Group I unvaccinated controls, Group II vaccinated controls Group III. experimental group receiving 400 mg/lt. nitriate and Group IV. experimental group receiving 400/lt. intriate in drinking water. All mice except the group I were vaccinated with Newcastle disease virus, Hitchner B1 strain subcutaneously. Three times repeatedly every other day. Serum samples for each group of mice were obtained from the blood pooled of each group were examined for the amount of vitamin A and Beta-caroten and for the immunosuppresive effect of nitrite and nitrate on the mice. All of the three parameters were found to be decreased, in groups of mice receivied nitrite and nitrate canpating the other groups. Amounts of Beta-caroten were measured as 5.236 3.336, 1.428 and 0.952 mgr/100 ml. in groups I, ll, III and IV respectively. Vitamin A values were high in group I and II (46.74) and 47.64) and were 28.38 and 21.98 mg/ml in 100 ml/serum in groups III and IV. HI titres were determined as 2-² , 2-⁶ and 2-⁵ and 2-⁴ indicating lower titers in the experimental groups.
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    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Kahraman, Mustafa; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.
    Herhangi kullanılacak bir maddenin veya yiyeceğin mikropsuz hale getirilmesine STERİLİZASYON denilir. Bunu dezenfeksiyon ile karıştırmamak gerekir. Dezenfeksiyon bulaşık bir maddenin mikroplarını öldürmek için kimyasal vasıtalarla yapılan işlemdir.
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    Nitrat ve nitrit'in immunosuppresif olarak etkilediği farelerde fekal germ sayıları üzerinde bi̇r araştırma
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 1988) Kahraman, Mustafa; Çarlı, Tayfun; Tayyar, Mustafa; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.
    A month-old, sixty Swiss mice were divided into three equal groups. First group was untreated controls, as the second group received Nitrite (0.4 gr/lt) in their drinking water. The third group being treated with Nitrate (0.4 gr/lt) they were immunosuppressed for ten months. By the end of this ten month treatment period, all three groups were ND vaccinated for three times, a day apart (New Castle Hitchner B1 virus). The vaccine dose was ten times of normal vaccination dosage. Fecal bacterial counts were taken from samples collected at the end of every month for ten times. Fifteen days after the third vaccination, the blood samples were obtained to run the HI tests. The blood samples were pooled for each group and the sera were used to compare the resulting HI values between immunoactive and immunosuppressed animals. The total fecal bacterial counts did not show any variation in the first group, while the immunosuppressed groups (2 and 3) demonstrated a gradual decrease. The HI titers were similarly affected and the immunosuppressed animals showed a gradual declining comparing with the first untreated control group. The HI titer of the first group was 2-⁶ , while nitrite group had a titer of 2-⁵ and the nitrate group had a titer of 2-⁴.