Modulation of arachidonic acid-evoked cardiorespiratory effects by the central lipoxygenase pathway

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We previously reported that intracerebroventricularly (ICV) injected arachidonic acid (AA) could produce pressor and bradycardic responses on the cardiovascular system and hyperventilation effect on the respiratory system by activating cyclooxygenase (COX). We also demonstrated that centrally injected AA-induced cardiovascular and respiratory responses were mediated by COX-metabolites, such as thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)), prostaglandin (PG) D, PGE, and PGF(2 alpha). Brain tissue is also able to express the lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme and LOX-induced AA-metabolites. The current study was designed to investigate the possible mediation of the central LOX pathway in AA-induced cardiorespiratory effects in anesthetized rats.Central pretreatment with different doses of a non-selective LOX inhibitor, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) (500 and 1000 mu g; ICV) partially blocked the AA (0.5 mu mol; ICV)-evoked pressor and bradycardic cardiovascular responses in male anesthetized Sprague Dawley rats. Pretreatment with different doses of NDGA (500 and 1000 mu g; ICV) also reduced AA-induced hyperventilation responses, with an increase in tidal volume, respiratory rate and minute ventilation, in the rats. Moreover, AA-induced increasing pO(2) and decreasing pCO(2) responses were diminished by central NDGA pretreatment.In summary, our findings show that the central LOX pathway might mediate, at least in part, centrally administered AA-evoked cardiorespiratory and blood gases responses.



Arachidonic acid, Lipoxygenase pathway, Cardiovascular parameters, Respiratory parameters, Intracerebroventricular, Hemorrhadeg hypotensive rats, Activation, Involvement, Cascade, Presssor, Physiology, Respiratory system, Brain thromboxane A(2)


Bayram, G. G. vd. (2020). "Modulation of arachidonic acid-evoked cardiorespiratory effects by the central lipoxygenase pathway". Respiratory Physicology & Neurobiology, 278.
