Abbâsî sarayının hazırcevap nedîmi: Ebü'l-'Aynâ (Hayatı-mizahçılığı-nükteleri)
Çakır, Muhammed Faruk
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Klasik Arap edebiyatında hazırcevaplığı ve sivri diliyle temayüz eden Ebü'l-'Aynâ, Abbâsî Halifesi Mütevekkil-Alellah'ın nedîmi olarak ün kazanmış bir nüktedandır. Kıvrak zekası ve dil ilimlerindeki maharetinin ürünü olan nükteleriyle hem yaşadığı çağa damga vurmuş hem de müteakip dönemlerin mizahına etki etmiştir. Onu ayrıcalıklı kılan en önemli özellik Kur'ân-ı Kerîm ayetlerinden iktibasla nükte üretme sanatında başı çeken isim olmasıdır. Tezimiz, ülkemizde pek bilinmeyen ve hakkında yeterince çalışma yapılmayan bu mizah ustasını tanıtmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu bağlamda önce biyografisine yer verilip hakkında yapılan bilimsel çalışmalara değinilmiştir. Daha sonra edebi kişiliğinin çeşitli yönlerine ışık tutulmuş, akabinde hayatında önemli bir yere sahip birtakım devlet adamları ve ediplerle kurduğu ilişkiler üzerinde durulmuştur. Son olarak ise mizahının ana konuları ve nüktelerinde sıkça kullandığı teknikler zengin anekdotik malzeme eşliğinde detaylı biçimde işlenmiştir.
Abu'l-'Aynâ, who came to the fore by his wits and sharp tongue in classical Arabic literature, gained a reputation as the courtier of the Abbasid Caliphate Mutevekkil-Alellah. With his subtle wits and language skills, he both leaved his mark on his age and influenced the following periods' humor. The most important feature that distinguishes him is that he was the leader in the art of producing wits and jokes by quotation from the Qur'anic verses. Our aim is to introduce this humorist who is not known in our country and is not studied enough. In this context, firstly Abu'l-'Aynâ's biography was given and the scientific studies about him were mentioned. Later we shed light on various aspects of the literary personality and mentioned some statesmen who have an important place in his life, and the relations he has established with men of letters. Finally, the main subjects and the techniques that are frequently used in Abu'l-'Aynâ's humor's are discussed in detail accompanied with some anecdotal materials.
Abu'l-'Aynâ, who came to the fore by his wits and sharp tongue in classical Arabic literature, gained a reputation as the courtier of the Abbasid Caliphate Mutevekkil-Alellah. With his subtle wits and language skills, he both leaved his mark on his age and influenced the following periods' humor. The most important feature that distinguishes him is that he was the leader in the art of producing wits and jokes by quotation from the Qur'anic verses. Our aim is to introduce this humorist who is not known in our country and is not studied enough. In this context, firstly Abu'l-'Aynâ's biography was given and the scientific studies about him were mentioned. Later we shed light on various aspects of the literary personality and mentioned some statesmen who have an important place in his life, and the relations he has established with men of letters. Finally, the main subjects and the techniques that are frequently used in Abu'l-'Aynâ's humor's are discussed in detail accompanied with some anecdotal materials.
Ebü’l-Aynâ, Mizah, Nükte, Klasik Arap edebiyatı, Abu'l-'Aynâ, Humor, Wit, Joke, Classical Arabic literature
Çakır, M. F. (2018). Abbâsî sarayının hazırcevap nedîmi: Ebü'l-'Aynâ (Hayatı-mizahçılığı-nükteleri). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.