Theodor fontane'nin "effi briest" ,lev nikolai tolstoy'un "anna karenina" , Halit z. uşaklıgil'in "aşk-ı memnu" örneklerinde "farklı kültürlerde aldatan kadının toplumdaki yeri"
Eğilmez, Sevinç
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada Alman , Rus ve Türk kültürlerinde birer klasik sayılan ve her biri 19 . yüzyılın önemli yazarları tarafından yazılan üç eser incelenmiş ve birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır . “Aldatan Kadının Toplumdaki Yeri” her üç eser için de ortak motiftir . Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda bu motifi destekleyecek veriler bulunmuş ve bu veriler birbirleriyle karşılaştırılarak üç eser arasındaki ortak , benzer ve farklı yönler tespit edilmiştir . Karşılaştırma yöntemiyle varılan sonuçlar doğrultusunda 19 . yüzyıldan günümüze değin “Aldatan Kadının Toplumdaki Yeri” yorumlanmaya ve konuyla ilgili güncel örnekler verilerek çözüm önerileri geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır .
Yapılan karşılaştırma bize farklı kültürlerde , hatta aynı kültürün farklı sosyo -ekonomik tabakalarında aldatan kadına olan yaklaşım tarzının farklı olduğunu göstermiştir . Eserlerde olayın çözümü de kültür farklılığının etkisiyle birbirinden ayrılır. Ortak olan ise farklı kültürel yapıya dahi mensup olsalar , aldatan kadının toplumdan dışlanmasıdır.
Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil'in Aşk-ı Memnu isimli eserinde mensup olduğu sosyal tabakadan memnun olmayıp, daha iyi yaşam şartları için kendisinden yaşça büyük, iki çocuk sahibi , maddi geliri yüksek Adnan Bey ile evlenen Bihter' in evliliği sırasındaki yasak aşk anlatılır. Bihter' in kocasına ihaneti ortaya çıkınca evlenmeden önceki sosyal tabakanın şartlarına dönmek istemediği ve eşini aldattığı için toplumun aşağılayıcı tepkilerine maruz kalmamak için çözümü intiharda görür ve hayatına son verir.
Theodor Fontane'in Effi Briest isimli yapıtında annesinin etkileri ile çocuk yaşta olan Effi'nin 40 yaşındaki kaymakam Baron von Innstetten ile evlenmesi sonucu , evliliğinde aradığı aşkı bulamayışı ve aradığı aşkı bir başka erkekte bularak eşine ihaneti anlatılır . Effi'nin ihaneti eşi tarafından öğrenilince , Effi hem eşi , hem de ailesi tarafından yalnızlığa terk edilir ve hastalanarak ölür.
Dünyaca ünlü Rus yazar Lev Nikolai Tolstoy'un toplumun üst tabakasına mensup , iyi bir statüye sahip Alexis Alexandrovitche ile evlenen genç ve güzel Anna'nın eşine bir türlü sevgi besleyememesi sonucu eşini aldatması Anna Kareninna isimli eserinin konusudur . Anna ihaneti sonucu toplumun ağır tepkileriyle karşılaşır ve toplumdan dışlanır . Bu tepkilere katlanamayan Anna psikolojik bunalıma girer ve intihar eder.
The written works which had been accepted as a classic in Turkish, Russian and German cultures and written by important writers of 19 th century, had been examined and compared with each other in this study. “ The position of unfaithful women in society” is a common motive for three written works. The datas supporting this motive had been found and compared to each other in common, similar, different sides of three written works had been proven as a result of studies. The position of unfaithful women in society from 19 th century until today, had been tried to be interpreted and also daily examples about the subject had been given to develope solution suggestions. The comparison had shown us, the approach manner towards unfaithful women in different cultures, and also in different socio-economic classes of same culture is different. The solution of event is distinct in each written works, because of the cultural difference. The common point is that, the unfaithful women are rejected from society, even they belong to different cultural structure. It's explained in Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's “Aşk-ı Memnu “ the forbidden love of Bihter during her marrige who wasn't satisfied with the social class she belonged to and got married with “Adnan Bey” who was elder than her and had got two children as well as a high financial standart. When her treachery against her husband has come into light she found her solution in suicide and ended her life, since she didn't want to go back to the social class conditions before her marriage and she also didn't want to experience with humiliated reactions of society. In Theodor Fontane's work called “ Effi Briest” it is spoken about Effi who was at her child ages and got marry with the influence of her mother a 40 year old governor Baron von Innstetten where she couldn't find the love she's looking for and she finally found it from a different male and she was unfaithful to her husband. As her husband was informed about her unfaithfulness, she was left from her husband as well as from her family into her loneliness and died after she became ill. The most well kown Russian writer Lev Nikolav Tolstoy's work Anna Kareninna is the subject of the young and beautiful Anna who could never tender love to Alexis Alexandrouitche and was unfaithful to this man she married with, the man who belongs to the highest society class and has got a good statue. As a result of this unfaithfulness, she experienced with humiliated reactions of society and was dismissed of society. Anna who couldn't hold out these reactions became psychological exasperation / depression and committed suicide.
The written works which had been accepted as a classic in Turkish, Russian and German cultures and written by important writers of 19 th century, had been examined and compared with each other in this study. “ The position of unfaithful women in society” is a common motive for three written works. The datas supporting this motive had been found and compared to each other in common, similar, different sides of three written works had been proven as a result of studies. The position of unfaithful women in society from 19 th century until today, had been tried to be interpreted and also daily examples about the subject had been given to develope solution suggestions. The comparison had shown us, the approach manner towards unfaithful women in different cultures, and also in different socio-economic classes of same culture is different. The solution of event is distinct in each written works, because of the cultural difference. The common point is that, the unfaithful women are rejected from society, even they belong to different cultural structure. It's explained in Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil's “Aşk-ı Memnu “ the forbidden love of Bihter during her marrige who wasn't satisfied with the social class she belonged to and got married with “Adnan Bey” who was elder than her and had got two children as well as a high financial standart. When her treachery against her husband has come into light she found her solution in suicide and ended her life, since she didn't want to go back to the social class conditions before her marriage and she also didn't want to experience with humiliated reactions of society. In Theodor Fontane's work called “ Effi Briest” it is spoken about Effi who was at her child ages and got marry with the influence of her mother a 40 year old governor Baron von Innstetten where she couldn't find the love she's looking for and she finally found it from a different male and she was unfaithful to her husband. As her husband was informed about her unfaithfulness, she was left from her husband as well as from her family into her loneliness and died after she became ill. The most well kown Russian writer Lev Nikolav Tolstoy's work Anna Kareninna is the subject of the young and beautiful Anna who could never tender love to Alexis Alexandrouitche and was unfaithful to this man she married with, the man who belongs to the highest society class and has got a good statue. As a result of this unfaithfulness, she experienced with humiliated reactions of society and was dismissed of society. Anna who couldn't hold out these reactions became psychological exasperation / depression and committed suicide.
Karşılaştırmalı edebiyat, Comparative literature, Kültür ve toplum, Aldatma, Aldatan, Culture and society, Unfaithfulness, Unfaithful women
Eğilmez, S. (2007). Theodor fontane'nin "effi briest" ,lev nikolai tolstoy'un "anna karenina" , halit z. uşaklıgil'in "aşk-ı memnu" örneklerinde "farklı kültürlerde aldatan kadının toplumdaki yeri". Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.