Yahudilikte dini sorumluluk çağı: Bar mitzva ve bat mitzva
Erdağ, Hamide
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İnsan hayatının doğum, ergenlik, evlilik ve ölüm gibi belli evreleri dönüm noktası olarak addedilmektedir. Bir aşamadan diğerine geçişi ifade eden ve bu dönemlerde uygulanan ritüeller geçiş törenleri olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Birçok dinde olduğu gibi Yahudilikte de bu törenlere önem verilmekte ve çeşitli uygulamalar gerçekleşmektedir. Bu çalışmanın da konusunu teşkil eden ve bahsi geçen törenlerden biri olan bar mitzva (erkekler için) ve bat mitzva (kızlar için) çocukluktan ergenliğe geçişin sembolü olarak görülmekte ve genç Yahudi bireyler bu süreçle birlikte dini hükümlerden sorumlu sayılmaktadırlar. On üç yaşını doldurmuş erkekler için kullanılan bar mitzva ve on iki yaşını doldurmuş kızlar için ifade edilen bat mitzva kavramları zamanla bu dönemlerde kutlanan törenlerin de adı olmuştur. Genel kabule göre, günümüze eş değer bar mitzva törenlerinin görülmeye başlaması on altıncı yüzyıla dayanmakta ve bu törenlerde Tora okuma, tefilin takma, deraşa verme ve seuda düzenleme gibi uygulamalar yerine getirilmektedir. Bat mitzva törenleri ise Yahudilikte kadının konumuna ilişkin dile getirilen farklı görüşlerin de etkisiyle yirminci yüzyılda düzenlenmeye başlamıştır. Bar mitzva ve bat mitzva törenleri Türk Yahudi toplumu da dahil, birtakım farklılıklar içermekle birlikte neredeyse bütün Yahudi cemaatleri tarafından kutlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla bar ve bat mitzvanın tarihsel sürecinden yola çıkılarak Yahudiler nezdindeki önemi ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır.
Certain stages of human life, such as birth, adolescence, marriage, and death, are considered significant milestones in many cultures. Rites of passage are held by performing specific rituals and practices during these times to highlight the importance of these stages in society. These ceremonies are important in Judaism, as they are in many religions. The subject of this study focuses on bar mitzvah (for boys) and bat mitzvah (for girls), which are seen as symbols of the transition from childhood to adolescence. Through this process, young Jewish people are held accountable for religious provisions. The terms bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah, which are used to refer to boys aged thirteen and girls aged twelve, respectively, have also become the names of the ceremonies held during these times. According to widespread opinion, the beginning of today's bar mitzvah ceremonies dates back to the sixteenth century, and practices such as reading the Torah, putting on tefillin, giving derasha, and seuda are performed in these ceremonies. Bat mitzvah ceremonies, on the other hand, began to be organized in the twentieth century, as a result of changing viewpoints on women's roles in Judaism. Bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies, they are celebrated by almost all Jewish communities, with some differences, including the Turkish Jewish community. This study attempted to reveal the significance of bar and bat mitzvah in the eyes of Jews by starting from their historical process.
Certain stages of human life, such as birth, adolescence, marriage, and death, are considered significant milestones in many cultures. Rites of passage are held by performing specific rituals and practices during these times to highlight the importance of these stages in society. These ceremonies are important in Judaism, as they are in many religions. The subject of this study focuses on bar mitzvah (for boys) and bat mitzvah (for girls), which are seen as symbols of the transition from childhood to adolescence. Through this process, young Jewish people are held accountable for religious provisions. The terms bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah, which are used to refer to boys aged thirteen and girls aged twelve, respectively, have also become the names of the ceremonies held during these times. According to widespread opinion, the beginning of today's bar mitzvah ceremonies dates back to the sixteenth century, and practices such as reading the Torah, putting on tefillin, giving derasha, and seuda are performed in these ceremonies. Bat mitzvah ceremonies, on the other hand, began to be organized in the twentieth century, as a result of changing viewpoints on women's roles in Judaism. Bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies, they are celebrated by almost all Jewish communities, with some differences, including the Turkish Jewish community. This study attempted to reveal the significance of bar and bat mitzvah in the eyes of Jews by starting from their historical process.
Bar mitzva, Bat mitzva, 13. yaş, Geçiş töreni, Yahudilik, Bar mitzvah, Bat mitzvah, The age of 13, Rite of passage, Judaism
Erdağ, H. (2022). Yahudilikte dini sorumluluk çağı: Bar mitzva ve bat mitzva. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.