Yahudilik’te ve İslâm’da Hz. Eyyûb
Göçmen, Akif
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hz. Eyyûb Yahudilik’te ve İslâm’da peygamber (navî, nebî) olarak kabul edilen, Tanah’ta, Yeni Ahit’te ve Kur’ân’da adı geçen, güzel ahlâkı nedeniyle Tanrı tarafından övülen, sabrın sembolü olarak gösterilen, dinî ve tarihî açıdan önemli ve örnek bir şahsiyettir. Bu çalışmada Yahudilik ve İslâmiyet perspektifinden Hz. Eyyûb’un nasıl anlaşıldığı, algılandığı ve yorumlandığı ve bu iki monoteist gelenekteki yerini ve önemini incelemek ve ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada dinler tarihi araştırma metotlarından dokümantasyon yöntemi kullanılarak imkânlar ölçüsünde hem Yahudilik hem de İslâmiyet’in kendi dinî literatürlerindeki eserlerde Hz. Eyyûb hakkında nakledilen bilgi, rivayet ve anlatımlara ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu literatürlerde konuyla ilgili tespit edilen bilgi, rivayet ve anlatımlar deskriptif metotla ele alınmış ve mukayese metoduyla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Yahudi ve İslâm literatüründe Hz. Eyyûb ile ilgili benzer ve farklı yönler ve tartışılan konular ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışmanın neticesinde Hz. Eyyûb’un Yahudi ve İslâm tarihinde ve dinî literatüründe önemli bir yere sahip olduğu, bazı önemli fıkhî hükümlere kaynaklık ettiği belirlenmiştir. Yahudi geleneğinde Hz. Eyyûb ile ilgili hem olumlu hem de olumsuz bir algının olduğu ve geçmişten günümüze kadar ulaştığı ancak genel Yahudi anlayışının olumlu olduğu, İslâmî gelenekte ise sadece olumlu algının olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Üç bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Yahudi dinî literatürüne göre Hz. Eyyûb konu edilmiştir. İkinci bölümde Kur’ân ve diğer İslâmî kaynaklara göre Hz. Eyyûb incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise Yahudilik ve İslâm açısından Hz. Eyyûb karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırmada yer yer Hıristiyanlık bakış açısı da ilave edilmiştir. Çalışma, sonuç ve genel değerlendirme ile son bulmaktadır. Konuyla ilgili ekler, çalışmanın sonuna ilave edilmiştir.
Job (Hebrew Iyov, Arabic Ayyūb) is a religious and historical figure who is accepted as a prophet (Hebrew navi, Arabic nabi) in Judaism and Islam, mentioned in the Tanakh or in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Qur’ān, praised by God for his good morals, shown as a symbol of patience. He is a significant and exemplary person. In this study, it was aimed to scrutinize how Job is understood, perceived and interpreted from the view point of Judaism and Islam and to reveal his place and significance according to these two monotheist traditions. In this study, with the documentation method, one the research methods of the history of religions, it has been tried to reach the accounts, the interpretations and the narratives transmitted about prophet Job in the works of both Judaism and Islam’s own religious literatures, to the extent possible. The accounts, the interpretations and the narratives which were determined in the mentioned literature were discussed with the descriptive method and scrutinized comparatively with the comparative method. The similar and different aspects and the argued issues about Job in the Jewish and the Islamic literature have been revealed. As a result of the study, it has been determined that Job has a significant place in the Jewish and the Islamic history and religious literature, and that he is the source of some significant jurisprudential judgements. There is not only a positive but also a negative perception about Job in the Judaic tradition and it has survived from the past to the present but the general Jewish understanding is positive. Although the Jewish positive and negative perception there is only a positive perception in the Islamic tradition. In the first chapter of the study, which consists of three chapters, Job is discussed according to the Judaic religious literature. In the second chapter, Job was scrutinized according to the Qur’ān and other Islamic literature. In the third chapter, Job has been compared in terms of Judaism and Islam. The perspective of Christianity was also included in the comparison sometimes. The study ends with conclusion and general evaluation. Appendices of the subject have been added to the end of the study.
Job (Hebrew Iyov, Arabic Ayyūb) is a religious and historical figure who is accepted as a prophet (Hebrew navi, Arabic nabi) in Judaism and Islam, mentioned in the Tanakh or in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Qur’ān, praised by God for his good morals, shown as a symbol of patience. He is a significant and exemplary person. In this study, it was aimed to scrutinize how Job is understood, perceived and interpreted from the view point of Judaism and Islam and to reveal his place and significance according to these two monotheist traditions. In this study, with the documentation method, one the research methods of the history of religions, it has been tried to reach the accounts, the interpretations and the narratives transmitted about prophet Job in the works of both Judaism and Islam’s own religious literatures, to the extent possible. The accounts, the interpretations and the narratives which were determined in the mentioned literature were discussed with the descriptive method and scrutinized comparatively with the comparative method. The similar and different aspects and the argued issues about Job in the Jewish and the Islamic literature have been revealed. As a result of the study, it has been determined that Job has a significant place in the Jewish and the Islamic history and religious literature, and that he is the source of some significant jurisprudential judgements. There is not only a positive but also a negative perception about Job in the Judaic tradition and it has survived from the past to the present but the general Jewish understanding is positive. Although the Jewish positive and negative perception there is only a positive perception in the Islamic tradition. In the first chapter of the study, which consists of three chapters, Job is discussed according to the Judaic religious literature. In the second chapter, Job was scrutinized according to the Qur’ān and other Islamic literature. In the third chapter, Job has been compared in terms of Judaism and Islam. The perspective of Christianity was also included in the comparison sometimes. The study ends with conclusion and general evaluation. Appendices of the subject have been added to the end of the study.
Dinler tarihi, Eyyûb (İyov), Yahudilik, İslâmiyet, Tanah, Tora, Kur’ân, Kitâb-ı Mukaddes, History of Religions, Job (Ayyūb), Judaism, Islam, Tanakh, Torah, Qur’ān, Gospel