Mammography utilization among Turkish women

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Asian Pacific Organization Cancer Prevention


In Turkey, breast cancer is the leading type of cancer and cause of cancer-related deaths among women, but information is limited on mammography practices. The objectives of the present study were to identify associations between attitudes and knowledge about mammography and socio-demographic indicators and having a mammogram. The participants of this cross-sectional and descriptive study were 1,208 women who attended the primary health care unit serving as a training unit of the medical faculty or the outpatient clinic for breast diseases of the same medical faculty's hospital between October and December 2007. A printed questionnaire covering socio-demographic variables, family history of breast cancer, mammography practices, and attitudes and knowledge of mammography was filled out in face-to-face interviews with the authors. Women with previously diagnosed breast cancer were excluded from the study. We performed chi square and logistic regression analyses. We found that 12.7% of the women had no knowledge of mammography, and 57.3 % had never had a mammogram. Fifty point six percent of our study group reported that they had had a clinical breast examination at least once, and 51.1% were aware of breast self examination (BSE). Need factors such as age and health-system-related factors such as awareness of BSE and having CBE were found to be more important than the socio-economic factors in mammography use. Mammography was accepted by 92.3% as a useful screening method for early detection of breast cancer and as a necessity for women of 50 years and over by the 90.6% of the study group. We found a positive attitude towards mammography and its importance but limited usage.



Mammography, Breast cancer screening, Turkey, Self report, Breast cancer, Predictors, Knowledge, Attitudes, Oncology


Sadıkoğlu, G. vd. (2010). "Mammography utilization among Turkish women". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 11(2), 377-381.