Quasi-static behavior of three-dimensional integrated core sandwich composites under compression loading

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Sage Publications


In the current study, the effect of the thickness and the foam density in three-dimensional integrated woven sandwich composites on quasi-static properties was investigated. For this purpose, produced samples were subjected to uniaxial flatwise compression tests and their compression strength and moduli were determined. Obtained results were optimized by taking core thickness, foam density and panel weights into consideration. Damages that occurred on the tested samples were reported. When compared to conventional foam core sandwich composites, it was found that three-dimensional integrated sandwich composites have better compression properties and due to the fact that the pile yarns in the core and the foam support each other.



Materials science, Polymer science, Three-dimensional integrated sandwich composites, Quasi-static properties, Damage tolerance, 3d orthogonal weave, Tensile properties, Mechanical performance, Woven, Panels, Compression testing, Damage tolerance, Foams, Piles, Three dimensional, Weaving, Compression loading, Compression properties, Compression strength, Compression tests, Foam core sandwiches, Integrated core, Quasi-static, Sandwich composites, Loading


Karahan, M. vd. (2013). "Quasi-static behavior of three-dimensional integrated core sandwich composites under compression loading". Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 32(5), 289-299.