Photoelectrical properties of fabricated ZnS/Si heterojunction device using thermionic vacuum arc method

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ZnS thin films have been successfully deposited with the same production parameters using thermionic vacuum arc technique on glass and silicon substrates. UV-Vis absorbance spectra and photoluminescence measurements were performed for the optical characterization of ZnS/glass thin film and ZnS/p-Si heterojunction device, respectively. The optical band gap is found approximately 3.78 eV. Further, electrical parameters of the device were determined for the current-voltage (I-V) measurements in dark and under illumination conditions. The open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current values have been obtained related to illumination I-V measurements. Also, we have utilized photocurrent measurements to investigate the wavelength dependent to photosensitivity of the ZnS/p-Si heterojunction device.



Physics, ZnS/Si, Heterojunction, Photoelectrical, Photoluminescence, TVA, Thin-films, Optical-properties, Silicon, SI, Deposition, Photoluminescence, Reflectivity, Thickness, Diode, Gaas, Amorphous films, Energy gap, Heterojunctions, II-VI semiconductors, Open circuit voltage, Photoluminescence, Semiconductor quantum wells, Substrates, Thin films, Vacuum applications, Vacuum technology, Zinc sulfide, Current-voltage measurements, Illumination conditions, Optical characterization, Photo-electrical properties, Photocurrent measurement, Photoelectrical, Photoluminescence measurements, Thermionic vacuum arc methods, Sulfur compounds


Kaplan, H. K. vd. (2018).''Photoelectrical properties of fabricated ZnS/Si heterojunction device using thermionic vacuum arc method''. Superlattices and Microstructures, 120, 402-409.